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Oil change, maybe later some cleaning.

Today "long day"

Well after I took Theodore for his first walk of the day I started the cooling system flush and upgrade. Oh before I forget i flushed the brake fluid. I ran about 1 1/2 Quarts thru it. Then i tackled the CEL issue that was easy i just blew the water from the DPFE lines and put my spare sensor on it. Bye bye light for now.. Then i flushed the cooling system I went crazy overkill with it. Once the radiator was removed i attached the garden hose to one of the heater hoses then put my shop vac on the lower radiator hose and went to town with it. Man did the RIDGID suck a lot of crap from the 4.0l I think i had to empty it four or five times. I alternated the heater hose's since i didn't know if they went to different areas in the motor or not. I also sprayed water where the t stat went. After everything was clean as i could get i started replacing parts. The heater core was replaced along with the radiator and thermostat.


Drained out the rear diff yesterday, filled it up with Mobil 1 75w-90 Synthetic LS. Note: I highly recommend using Permatex The Right Stuff as long as you never want to get back in. I probably spent an hour just getting the cover off and cleaning the goop off the housing. Then a half hour cleaning the cover.

Today, I did something easier, threw in some double platinum NGK's I got for a steal.

Could you beat $3.75 each on the NGK DBL Platinum!!!

Got an alignment and new shoos:D


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Could you beat $3.75 each on the NGK DBL Platinum!!!

I paid $6.64 a piece for the PTR5F-11 / 6579 plugs. I thought it was a pretty good deal. Where are you getting yours for $3.75?

At NAPA here in Belize. I am not in the USA lol.

Today I ran new speaker wiring to my back doors and using a plastic straw from a hospital cup made it real easy to get though the boot into the door. Gonna do front tomorrow

Finally got around to doing the "throttle cable mod" . I've done it on all my other explorers, but on this one, it made a huge difference in throttle response. I have nearly an inch worth of slack in the cable! Man, I should have done this a year ago. It's like driving a whole new truck!

Today I ran new speaker wiring to my back doors and using a plastic straw from a hospital cup made it real easy to get though the boot into the door. Gonna do front tomorrow

You sure that wasn't a used catheter? :eek:

Just finished installing carrier,pinion and axle bearings. No more whine, also installed my 31's. Rides like new.

Replaced the broken rear locker with a spool and added a snorkel.

I bought a ICM at a salvage yard for $15. Will see if it works. If it does, sure beats the $160 everyone else sells them for.

Got the tires re balanced. Finally no crazy vibrations at 70mph!

Also ordered some James Duff shocks, I need them badly! $175 shipped cant beat it!

I put together another set of wheels with 33x12.50 tires on 15x8 Rough Country rims. Had to do a little inside fender trimming I need to trim a bit more I did that yesterday. Today I finally replaced my worn out Energy urethane radius arm bushings with Moog blue bushing. I been procrastinating from doing this for a year! Also put new bearings and seals on the front. I found I have a leak in my rear brake line so will be fixing that next.

Finally got that ICM from the salvage yard in. FR-425 was right. It does have more kick to it! Thanks to him for the idea. Haven't had it on the highway to see if it quited the ping yet. Also cleaned the intake up a bit (as much as I could without removing it). Might need new IAC.

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Got the shocks done, Thrusday.


