What did you do to your Explorer this weekend? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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What did you do to your Explorer this weekend?

I stared at it for about 2 hrs, and then sang Miss Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" in front of the vehicle until dinner time.

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Started Torque Monster Header install with a flashlight and partially covered driveway in the rain...Waiting for Remflex gaskets and heat socks.

Went exploring with it to find some driftwood to put into my aquariums. Other than that it sat most of the weekend.

I stared at it for about 2 hrs, and then sang Miss Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" in front of the vehicle until dinner time.

Nice. That was my oldest daugthers theme song when she was a baby.

went up to break neck for a night run saterday smashed the muffler off lol. sunday took the carpet out and center console getting ready for some type of liner and a custom console any ideas?

I just got myself a 2000 XLT 4x4. Going to be swapping over the mods. May see if the sport still runs, if so I'll throw her up, and see if anyone wants a "lightly used" Sport. :D

I can't post in your registry. The 2000 looks nice & clean, wish mine had the tow package. Can you take a picture of the gas door once you have it installed:)

Why can't you post? Aren't you Elite? Will do, I may even attempt a tutorial.:cool:

I am now elite, figured that was the problem:D, now I am going to be subsribing to your registry.

I gave her a bath.

Not unless you were out and driving around in Colorado. I flew in. Had a Malibu rental P.O.S.

haha, o. ya that makes sence. i didnt think about that.

Replaced it. Will be putting it up for sale once I get my stereo out and my fog & driving lights off.

pulled the trans out of my 99 i picked up 2 weeks ago, off for a rebuild got some axle seals leaking ill have to change as well...@ keeper0311 nice find!

my days off are monday and tuesday, so this weekend I'm installing a Sub in place of the cargo cubby in the back. I'm building the box myself so I have no idea if its gonna sound good. It'll be nice to have the cargo room back. I'm ditching the 2-12" ported box in lieu of a single 10" with the same 600W peak 200W RMS amp.

Installed 3 o2's, an finished my black magic 180 install. I think ford should have made the truck like this factory.

Not this weekend but last night:

"Fixed" my broken driver seat recline handle by tying a rope around it. I found that you need to pull toward the steering wheel and not directly UP like you'd think. When I'm not using the rope, it stashes nicely underneath and no one would know it's there.

If I get wild and crazy, I might take the mechanism off with the broken handle piece down to a welder and have them weld it back together with some extra bracing.

Or, maybe I'll just keep using the rope. How often do you really adjust the seat back anyway?

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I stared at it for about 2 hrs, and then sang Miss Lauper's "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" in front of the vehicle until dinner time.

Odd as Heck, I did the same exact thing!!

Also painted the front bumper. After that I sang Miss Toni Basil's "Oh Mickey"
