93 XLT...8'' Skyjacker | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 XLT...8'' Skyjacker


Well-Known Member
February 18, 2005
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92 xlt
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I would suggest new leaf springs instead of the add-a-leaf...but it really all comes down to $$. Good luck


could you Recommend one?

8'' is a little crazy for TTB. Cut your fenders out a little bit bigger if you want to fit a larger tire. Steering becomes an issue when you get up there in height.

well here is a TTB with skyjacker 8 " with new 6" leafs in the rear on 35's


Id like to come out around that heighth

I wasn't saying it couldn't be done. But why? Steering can't be good at a height like that with inverted Y steering.

yeah try adjusting the camber with that amount of lift... youll have to replace tires like mad...

I know i can fit 35's its not really about tire size, kinda both height/all suspension, and 34,35's
everyone is doing 5.5 susp with 3 "bl , i thought id be diffront at do all 8' ranger kit, since i havent seen it done much...

You haven't seen it done much because it's not really worth it. Drop brackets become a problem then there's too much leverage on them. Steering also becomes and issue.

I was thinkinh of doing exactly what you are doing myself. I was going to drop down the upper spring seat 2.5 inches and then bolt it to the frame. This would give you about a 2 inch lift or so depending on your current spring sag. Then I was going to get some alignment bushings and pray they would get the tires in good alignment.

As for the rear you can check a local shop and have them arch you some spings, or you can find some off a Ranger, I would assume them would work.


I just bought some 6' skyjacker coils, and brackets, seems like everyone has something negitive to say..

93liftedXLT said:
I just bought some 6' skyjacker coils, and brackets, seems like everyone has something negitive to say..

After all it IS your truck.

I bought some Skyjacker springs and brackets. The brackets look very well built, I am really impressed.

