How many miles on original 3rd Gen Tranny? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How many miles on original 3rd Gen Tranny?


Elite Explorer
September 18, 2003
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Mountaineer Premier
I know the third generation Explorers/Mountaineers are known to have transmission issues. I am curious as to how many miles people have gotten out of their original transmissions. I'll start by listing my now totaled Mountaineer that had the transmission go at 112k miles. I now have a 2002 with 52k miles with the original transmission but I don't expect to need one for another 25k-50k miles.

Also, how often have you changed the transmission fluid? I am curious to see if there is a correlation between fluid changes and longevity.

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Fluid and solenoid pack changed once (120kish)


Fluid and solenoid pack changed once (120kish)

That is impressive considering you haven't been bitten by the servo bore issue.

Never changed the fluid in my 02, transmission stop shifting from second to third gear right around 100,000.

Original transmission with no fluid changes, no new solenoid pack, no filter change. I only have a harsh 3-2 downshift when accelerating to pass. As soon as funds would allow, I had planned on dropping the pan and changing those three things. I drive it like a bat out of hell, too.
186,000 miles currently on the clock.
The transmission outlasted the first engine (spun bearing)

Had Tranny serviced at 50k and 100k and it was rebuilt at 145k

Had mine rebuilt at 106,000 miles and currently have around 143,000. Haven't had new fluid put in, but when I do I plan on using Amsoil to fill it up;)

112k with only standard service. Changed the fluid and filter once....

02 XLS 4.0, 2wd, 138,000, trans fluid flushed at Ford dealer at 100,000, still hanging in there...

02 XLT with 159K on the clock, still running strong, previous owner flushed at 75k at time of sale.

Purchased with 20K miles on it. It is the original transmission-not sure about whether the fluid was changed by the dealer before I bought it. New solenoid pack at 50K, I presume the fluid was changed then. Don't know if there was a filter change. It was all warranty work. I plan to change the filter and change out some of the fluid before winter comes.

Occasional rough downshift from 2 to 1. Otherwise does OK. 186K+ miles

[\bracing myself for even discussing this out loud....]

120K on mine. Fluid changed 2 months ago. Still has a infrequent slam when put into reverse, but willing to live with it. Seems to have picked up mileage since fluid change.

Purchased with 20K miles on it. It is the original transmission-not sure about whether the fluid was changed by the dealer before I bought it. New solenoid pack at 50K, I presume the fluid was changed then. Don't know if there was a filter change. It was all warranty work. I plan to change the filter and change out some of the fluid before winter comes.

Occasional rough downshift from 2 to 1. Otherwise does OK. 186K+ miles

[\bracing myself for even discussing this out loud....]

LOL! I thought something similar before i started this thread!

112,000 on the '03. Not sure of the maintenance history of the trans specifically; overall the vehicle seems to have been maintained very well. I haven't changed it in the year I've had it.

I need to change the fluid, add a temp gauge, and probably add another cooler. I tow with it pretty frequently, and after a bit of towing the trans shifts hard into reverse. I notice it a lot when putting the trailer in a camp site - lots of shifting between reverse and first, and many times when I shift to reverse it slams into gear. My wife's '04 did the same thing; we had the solenoid pack replaced per the TSB (hers has been great ever since). I don't believe anything was ever replaced on mine. It also occasionally shifts funny, especially with abrupt throttle changes (hard acceleration, back off suddenly, then the upshift lags a bit and shifts harder than usual when it finally does go). No slipping, and nothing bad that occurs with any regularity.

I win!! Yes, that's right... 245,666 lmao
And the truck still acts great and has an immaculate interior and only minor timing chain tensioner clank

I win!! Yes, that's right... 245,666 lmao

Holy ****! How do you put that many miles on an 02!? :eek:

80K miles, original everything in the transmission. Fluid changed at 60k.
Planning on a new solenoid pack soon.

Has the flare from 2-3, occasional hesitant shifts, and rough down shift from 3-2.

Holy ****! How do you put that many miles on an 02!?
It's easy. 50 miles to and 50 miles from school every day for a few years would do it :D


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75,000 not sure if it has ever been touched before we got it 9 months ago
