Removing or Trimming Front Air Deflector / Dam | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Removing or Trimming Front Air Deflector / Dam

Whats the difference between Mud Terrain Tires and All-Terrain Tires?

The tread pattern. Mud terrains have a more aggressive pattern with larger grooves in the tread and on the sidewalls. All terrains have a more uniform, flat looking pattern.

All terrains

Mud terrains

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Any comments on the removed front lower trim?

I think it looks alot better. I've said long ago, it was too low. We have taken the SUV out of the SUV. My new EX will be arriving this week and I plan on removing it ASAP.

I think it looks alot better. I've said long ago, it was too low. We have taken the SUV out of the SUV. My new EX will be arriving this week and I plan on removing it ASAP.
Just keep in mind that it is part of the aerodynamics system of the Explorer so you will likely decrease slightly your mpgs on the highway.
Just had a look at the new Fusion today while I was getting the Winter tires put on. The whole underside of the vehicle is enclosed. The only thing I could see was the muffler.
Good luck.


Yes I read about the aerodynamics for the mpg efficiency. Removing this front lower panel will probably only affect 1% of it because the entire body of the vehicle was built for aerodynamic efficiency. I think between 1-5% it will get affected which is worth it for me just to have the proper suv feel & capability to it.

What do you think?

I get 12MPG driving my F150 daily. So I guess its easy to say I'm not a big MPG guy. I'll be drivinh my EX in the snow and will surely need the extra ground clearance. What I don't like is the fact that alot of people want to make these more like cars.
I want to support FMC and love the looks of the new EX, plus the added factor of the gov't buyout...that's why I bought another Ford.

I'd love to find a leveling kit to lift the front even more, if I could.


Can you please tell me how you removed your Front Fascia Skirt.

Last week I have purchased 2013 Ford Explorer, It's really very embarassing and inconvenient.

Please tell me from where & how they removed it.


It's really very embarassing and inconvenient.

Huh??? Please elaborate......I've had mine for two years now and only scraped it once when I first got it.....all you have to do is adjust your parking habits when curbs are involved.....simple....

Huh??? Please elaborate......I've had mine for two years now and only scraped it once when I first got it.....all you have to do is adjust your parking habits when curbs are involved.....simple....
I've done it 3 times in 2 1/2 years (slow learner :D ). Last time was on a newly installed concrete parking block.



Can you please tell me how you removed your Front Fascia Skirt.

Last week I have purchased 2013 Ford Explorer, It's really very embarassing and inconvenient.

Please tell me from where & how they removed it.

Welcome to the Forum destiny_10.:wavey:
As HughCares pointed out, all you have to do is adjust your parking procedure.
The lower fascia is part of the Explorer's aerodynamics for overall fuel economy. It likely won't make much difference in city driving but probably will at higher speeds.


Can you report back in a few weeks if you've notice any change in fuel economy and what approx it is based on the digital gage, or better yet because of variables the gage might not really tell you any better than your gut feeling estimate. Let us know if there is a noticeable difference or just really insignificant. I've always hated that front facia and might remove it as we'll.

Never have scraped, it's got gobs of ground clearance!
Have a very low Bimmer...never scraped!
Have a slammed Z16 Vette...never scraped! ;)

Can you report back in a few weeks if you've notice any change in fuel economy and what approx it is based on the digital gage, or better yet because of variables the gage might not really tell you any better than your gut feeling estimate. Let us know if there is a noticeable difference or just really insignificant. I've always hated that front facia and might remove it as we'll.
If you go back to the 1st page you will see that mrchua had removed his a while ago and posted pictures. Perhaps you can send the member a PM and ask the question and possibly report back.



Can you please tell me how you removed your Front Fascia Skirt.

Last week I have purchased 2013 Ford Explorer, It's really very embarassing and inconvenient.

Please tell me from where & how they removed it.

The forum has a very useful feature called 'Search'. I use the Advanced Search procedure and that allows you to search the different forms on any issue. I found the following thread in the 'Modified' forum and one of the posts has a link to the removal instructions, with pictures, if you're interested.


I've scraped the heck out of mine several times parking. I looked into replacing it but it was an outrageous cost so I've just left it alone. If it scrapes in the future I don't care because it is already messed up

LOL, next you'll be removing/dragging your oil cooler ducting too...


I wonder if you could remove it and install some kind of radiator fan or something like that instead. This is the main reason I haven't removed mine is because of that duct.

I wonder if you could remove it and install some kind of radiator fan or something like that instead. This is the main reason I haven't removed mine is because of that duct.
I wonder why all the 2013 models have that lower right side air scoop? My 2011 Limited doesn't and I don't believe the 2012's have it either.


I wonder why all the 2013 models have that lower right side air scoop? My 2011 Limited doesn't and I don't believe the 2012's have it either.


It's on my behind the valance....

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It's on my behind the valance....
Nothing like that on mine. I checked it out before posting and couldn't see anything resembling that air intake.

