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Tonight sucks!!!!


Explorer Addict
December 19, 2000
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las vegas
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So I had to put my Dog down this evening. Jessie was a Black Lab that made it 13 years (half of my life, I'm only 26) and I've had since she was 2 months old. She was one of the best dogs I've seen. Playfull as all hell, still thought she was a puppy up until yesterday. It's amazing how fast they can go down hill. We went swimming in the ocean Sat!!!! She was a typical Lab, loved to chase frisbees, tennis balls, and I think she was Lesbo cause she always got the girls!!! She'd dive off our diving board at my parents house, ****, when I was in High School we used to lift her on the roof of our old house and she'd dive in after us off the roof. How *****in is that dog!!!! She loved the snow, the river, ponds, ocean, all the cool dog ****. She was great at scaring kids cause I'd tought her to growl when she wanted to play so she'd always run up to people growling, that made for great fun sometimes when people didn't know her. I don't know if any of you have had to take your dog to the vet and personally make the decision to put them under but so far I'd have to say that it was definately ranked up there on the hard decision scale and actually might have honestly been the hardest in memory so far. Yesterday she just seemed slow and out of it. She'd wag her tail if you called her name but walked around with her tail between her legs. She's been acting wierd for the past couple weeks but still not bad. I took her in 1 week ago twice cause she was wierd and they ended up doing X-Rays and MRIs. Got the results this morning and she had a tumor in her stomach which is why she wasn't eating much and having problems going to the bathroom lately. I took her in today and talked with the vet about options and it was basically surgery and they knew they couldn't even get it all so it would be followed with Chemo and radiation. Then I had to ask if they thought she was in pain and they said that she definately was. My Explorer will be up for sale within a month probably and until then there's NO WAY right now that I could possibly afford to do that and who wants to put there pet through Chemo and radiation with a good chance they wouldn't make it anyways. It's bad enough in humans and they can talk let alone a dog who can't really let you know how to make things better!! Anyways, I lost a best friend tonight for sure and now that my eyes are watering I gotta go clean up her stuff and figure out what I'm gonna do with all of it.

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ahh man im sorry thats really tough im sure. i know theres never a replacment for a pet that you lose.

sorry to hear it man. letting a great pet go is extremely difficult to do. wish you the best and just remember all the good times you guys had.

I'm sorry to hear that man. There isn't really anything we can say to make you feel better, just time is all that will help... I'm scared for the day that you just had when it comes for me...

Its always a hard decision. And you can't talk to them which makes it even harder. I dread the day I have to go threw it. We did have a close call with mouse poisoning which brought me closer to him.

I've never gone threw something tramatic like that yet, but I know it has to be hard. And it just takes time. We're here for ya man!

:( Sorry. At least she lived a long and fun life.

My heart goes out to you and your family, I too have a black Lab. Aggie is 10 and still very much a puppy at heart, though arthritis is starting to keep her from really doing what she wants. she has a neice and a nephew that are 3 years old and she'll play as hard as them.

When I was 17 we had our 12 year old yellow lab act really weird Christmas day, so we tried to take her to the vet, but couldn't find one open. Needless to say it was very hard for me to open the door to the car and find her gone. Star had gone from our lives. She had spent her time with us from when I was 5 to 17. Star's death hit me pretty hard.

Aggie will be the hardest dog to let go when her time is called, as she is really my dog, she'll follow me around, sleep on my bed, do everything with me (within reason, not if I'm trimming her nails or giving her baths)

Sorry to hear that. I lost mine a couple weeks ago.

Sorry to hear about that pal, as others have said time will heal the wound. Keep yourself busy, dont give yourself time to dwell.

Its all a part of having pets, being able to make the decision whether its best for them to remain alive and struggle, or to just end their suffering. Its hard to be responsible for deciding another living thing's fate, but it comes with the program. You made the right decision, it wounded you and saved her more pain. Thats what being a pet owner is all about. There's balance in everything, but I think most of us would agree that the good is worth the bad.

Hang in there and take care of yourself.

we're here for you if it's any consolation, khris. it'll get better with time, just hang in there and remember the good times.

very sorry to hear about your dog, I know what you are going through, my golden retriever I'd had since I was 7 (I'm 23 now, was 22 when she died) died and it's something that takes a long time to get over, they truly are your best friend.
Let us know if we can do anything to help.

sorry to hear about that man. i also had a black lab, he died about 3 years ago, we had him for about 12 years. still have his dog house, water bowl, food bowl, and bones layin outside right where he left them.

So sorry for your loss.

I almost lost one of my Britneys this past weekend. Trapper John got into some rat poision. $2000 later, he looks like he gonna make it. Scared the crap out of me.

Dang that sucks dude. It'll be all good eventually. At first you never think it can be replaced with another dog...well maybe it can't, but when I was about 10 or so, my mom got so sick of my dog that she took it to the pound while my dad was on a business trip. I was sooo sad cuz we had had him since b4 I was born...but now, we have a totally awesome(another ****er spaniel) dog that we love so much. Just goes to show that I totally got over it, I actually think it kind of humorous in retrospect:) (not to be inhumane or nuthin) just kinda crazy that my mom like flipped out on one of those whack woman flip-out things just because my bro fed him an entire shoe-fly pie and he crapped out liquid **** all over the side of the house:D LOL, ahh man...

Sorry for you man, i know how it feels.

The first dog when i was born was named Angel. Well she was always a few years older then me. I can remember the times when there were thunderstorms and she would crawl up near us on the couch, or playin ball and other stuff like that. Eventually atheritis got to her, and she started going downhill. The worst thing i could remember of my life so far is that one day arriving home from school. My brother and I got off the bus, and when we were near the house we saw mom and dad come around from the side. They were both in tears, and thinking back, they are never usually upset even near to that point. Then dad came over and hugged me and said angel was dead. 18 years with my parents, they remember the first day they got the small puppy, and the last. 12 years of my life i grew up with angel, i remember barking like her at a wedding when the music started playing, i was young, but it was pretty funny. She was a great dog, and its sad that we lost her. At least she died peacefully in her sleep at her favorite place to lay. Now she is burried at that place, i am 4 metres away, so i guess i am always near her.

I had to put my Pup down in April, hardest thing I've done in a while, except for one thing. It's hard, but remeber the good times, and keep an eye out for another friend to help fill the void, I'm thinking about a Border collie now, I had 2 keeshonds, they are cool dogs, but the hair is too long for me now

we got the funniest looking palmerianian/shi-tzu dog, it has all the good features from each side, and it seriously has the same personality of angel....

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Sorry to hear your lost, man. I hope things will get back to normal for you.
