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0-60 Times

Anybody know the 0-60 on the 4.6 v8,02 up?

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Garth said:
Anybody know the 0-60 on the 4.6 v8,02 up?
Alot slower than Mine, with two cylinders less :D

I'd say my 0-60 time is about 10 minutes, or 5 minutes if i really jump on it hard going down a hill.

spindlecone said:
Alot slower than Mine, with two cylinders less :D

Whats your time, better than 7.3?

camaro_guy_z28 said:
I'd say my 0-60 time is about 10 minutes, or 5 minutes if i really jump on it hard going down a hill.

That sounds like mine too right now. But I think mine might have to do with the fact the engine is 200k old and the oil pump is pretty much limping on it's last leg, with wiped bearings, worn rings, and 130# compressions...

I can't wait until the summer when I can put the new engine in. Then I'll be at 0-60 in 7 minutes.


my SOHC is 7.4 right now hoping to get to 7.0 one day..all i got is intake exhaust maf plugs, wires, chip, and my factory 4.10 open diff , also its a 2wd and i get right around 360 miles out of my tank

spindlecone said:
Alot slower than Mine, with two cylinders less :D

And you've stated this quite a few times. Who has the more durable drivetrain? I think thats one of the biggest +'s of the V8. And the fact that it'll whoop an SOHC with minor mods.

I know the 4.6 is mad quick(for a stock midsized SUV). Especially with a MAC intake. And what a sound! :eek:

mine is probably somewhere around 17 secs
I don't think I'm exagerating much either
