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2006 Explorer


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well I was driving across Sunset Blvd. on the way to work when I passed one of these.



Looks like it will completely redone in maybe '07 and a 6-speed Auto may be in the works ;) I have also read that the next generation Ex will be played up stronger (more off road capable? :rolleyes: ) Due to the new Freesyle that will be a more Familish then the explorer.

Rest of story here

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hmmm... looks like they might have rounded off where the hood and headlights meet. i think the current X's are a little stubby looking from the front.

offtopic: where on Sunset did you see this? i live/work in West LA and was unaware anyone did vehicle testing in this area. usually they pick places closer to the factory with considerably lower population density than LA.

in the bottom picture, what is that attached to the rear left tire?

and also on the front air dam it looks like a large bottle rocket stuck in the grille......wierd

...my bad...REAR left tire

raginraj said:
offtopic: where on Sunset did you see this? i live/work in West LA and was unaware anyone did vehicle testing in this area. usually they pick places closer to the factory with considerably lower population density than LA.

They do lots of vehicle testing in this area for some reason. I've seen 2005 Grand Cherokees, 2005 Mustangs and Touregs before they were officially on sale on the streets of Santa Monica.


Those look like Aviator mirrors, hard to tell much else with the front/rear covered, but that's the point. My guess is that they'll either make it look more like the current Expedition, or the F-150 to create similar elements that carry across the line.

odxtoxic said:
in the bottom picture, what is that attached to the rear left tire?

and also on the front air dam it looks like a large bottle rocket stuck in the grille......wierd
thats the new anti-rollover sensor :)

SiLenZe said:
thats the new anti-rollover sensor :)

Either that or it simulates a blow out? :confused:

Actually, it was right before Larual Caynon. and like Mike said, I too have seen Mustangs for the last few months, '05 Grand Cherokes too. They do testing through there alot! I will probbaly see it again. ;)

It looks like a motorcycle cable lock to me... They ran it through the rear wheel and around the nerf bar :D

Oh wait, not a nerf bar an "entry assist device".

needs 33s

I know the thing on the wheel is a rotational speed sensor. It spins with the wheel and that cable going into the cab is hooked up to some computer. This way they can compare the ECC and its sensors against some outside reference. I dunno about the thing on the front... it kinda looks like one of those little security cameras on a stick.

" I dunno about the thing on the front... it kinda looks like one of those little security cameras on a stick."

Maybe a temp probe to compare ambient to intake temps??

rick, you just might be on something... i mean on to something. u know, about the temperature probe :D

If you get the front end colors right, the current Explorer looks like an Izuzu. Don't let nice59f100 (spelling?) read this...

Maybe '06 will include some type of "enthusiest" (that's not spelled right) version

Could the thing on the front be some sort of adaptive cruise control thing?

Next Gen EX

Oh, please, please, Ihope they make it more "trucky" and less "soccer mom", and a six speed tranny might make me give up my manual.

The device under the front bumper does indeed look like a bullet camera. Look closely, there is another one on the roof.

The device on the left rear tire is a "rally wheel" They are used to get an accurate measurement of distance travelled, wheel revolutions or wheel speed. The mechanical ones are obsolete, but that one loks like it has an electrical shaft encoder on it.


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looks on the side, like the same to me, minor adjustments, but that would be great if they made it look like the xpedition!!, Has anyone else heard about the high roll over rate on the newer x's? I heard last month that on a 2 wheel modle that they were rated as the highest for a risk of roll over!, If anyone else heard this, let me know ,!!
