In car sounds (door chimes, park sensors) changed after recharging dead battery? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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In car sounds (door chimes, park sensors) changed after recharging dead battery?


August 11, 2016
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2017 Explorer XLT (MXV)
Has anybody else had this issue? I noticed this today after I got the vehicle going again. My explorer's parking sensors made a very different beep than usual. And my door chime sound changed from the MY2015+ chime to the pre 2015 chime. Any help would be appreciated.

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I don't believe this has been brought up before. Personally, I don't think I would even notice the difference between the mentioned model years. I had a 2011 and now a 2017 and can't say I was aware of any change.


I've had this happen before--usually it resolves on its own. The IPC will deploy the chimes directly when it loses communication with the ACM.

If it doesn't, scan for codes and clear. Self test IPC and ACM and report back. All of this can be done with FORScan.

I've had this happen before--usually it resolves on its own. The IPC will deploy the chimes directly when it loses communication with the ACM.

If it doesn't, scan for codes and clear. Self test IPC and ACM and report back. All of this can be done with FORScan.
Thanks for the quick feedback about this. Would there be any way to make it resolve on its own without using FORScan? I am aware of all of FORScan's benefits however it has ALOT of extra work done to it to accommodate me and my wheelchair and I don't want to risk anything going wrong (i.e.: I have very expensive hand controls attached to the vehicle.)

You won't break anything with a self test. Alternatively, let it go for a couple of days and likely it'll figure itself out.

Alternatively I imagine you could pull the IPC fuse and reset, but that's even harder to do with a physical limitation. (Whoever thought the fuse box should go under the driver's side dash should be forced to contort themselves to service it.)

You won't break anything with a self test. Alternatively, let it go for a couple of days and likely it'll figure itself out.

Alternatively I imagine you could pull the IPC fuse and reset, but that's even harder to do with a physical limitation. (Whoever thought the fuse box should go under the driver's side dash should be forced to contort themselves to service it.)

That is true however I don't even know the basics of FORScan, pulling the fuse is the best option I think. Which fuse is for the IPC? Thankfully I have help at home I am sure i can get that done. Even my park sensors are affected, they sound like they came out from a 2001 Excursion.

UPDATE: Everything is back to normal

Fixed on its own or did you need to pull the IPC fuse?

I've been having the same problem ever since I put in a new battery after the old one died. Sometimes I get the normal chime sounds (ie for seatbelt warning, auto liftgate closing chime or parking sensors), and sometimes I get the "old" chime sounds.
Also sometimes get a message on the Sync screen that says "System Off To Save Battery. Please turn ignition off or start engine." And under the message it shows a progress bar ticking along. This message comes on without turning to acc mode though. It seems to come on whenever I open/close the liftgate before entering the vehicle - like it seems to think opening and closing the back is draining the battery too much??
I tried a master reset (disconnect battery) as well as reset Sync. Nothing changes.
Anyone else come across this before or know how to fix it?


I've been having the same problem ever since I put in a new battery after the old one died. Sometimes I get the normal chime sounds (ie for seatbelt warning, auto liftgate closing chime or parking sensors), and sometimes I get the "old" chime sounds.
Also sometimes get a message on the Sync screen that says "System Off To Save Battery. Please turn ignition off or start engine." And under the message it shows a progress bar ticking along. This message comes on without turning to acc mode though. It seems to come on whenever I open/close the liftgate before entering the vehicle - like it seems to think opening and closing the back is draining the battery too much??
I tried a master reset (disconnect battery) as well as reset Sync. Nothing changes.
Anyone else come across this before or know how to fix it?

You may be experiencing parasitic battery drain, there's a thread about it somewhere in the forums.

Thanks SLail. I do have a dashcam hardwired with parking record on motion or impact sensor. It does have a battery save feature that shuts it down if voltage drops below 12 v. I’ll try changing that to 13 volts and see if that makes a difference.
I did have this dashcam installed when I had the old battery and no issue; perhaps the new battery isn’t as good.

Your battery isn't able to support the key-off load, and might even be bad. Have it tested.

How new is this new battery? It almost sounds like it never got to charge up to full to begin with.

Installed by dealer back in September.

.......................Also sometimes get a message on the Sync screen that says "System Off To Save Battery. Please turn ignition off or start engine." And under the message it shows a progress bar ticking along........ .

This is an indication of a low battery. I've had that come on several times on previous vehicles, although not so much on my current 2017. I chalk it up to not driving the Explorer enough. Charging up the battery fixes it until it happens again. Here is an existing thread on the issue; MFT Battery Saver message on shutdown

