Location of Body Control Module | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Location of Body Control Module


New Member
April 4, 2009
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City, State
Westmont, IL
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 Eddie Bauer V6
Hi All,

:usa: I am dealing with a '95 v6 that has only existed up north for the last three years and i have begun experiencing electrical shorting issues with overhaed lights, wipers, and windows which i believe may be related to the Body Control Module's ground. QUestion is where is this unit located? Any help would be great! Thanks! -Brad :(

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You'll have to take the radio out. It's behind there.

quick question. i have been tinkering today and noticed that with the ignition turned back on Acc only, all issues are resolved. It's only when the motor is running and the entire system is charged. Does the short from the GEM still sound logical?... and thanks for the response!

Hmmm... What are the exact symptoms with the lights/windows/etc? Do things not work with key ON engine OFF?

If they work in ACC but not ON/RUN, then it might be the ignition switch...

If they work in ACC and in "key ON engine OFF", but not in "key ON engine ON", then I don't know... maybe a relay or open ground somewhere (GEM is def. possible).

thnx for the insight! It is definitely ACC but not ON/RUN. When ON/RUN, i get the wiper/windows briefly for a second or two, then they're dead. the wiper motor and relays are clicking, but nothing else.
