Pine Barrens/South Jersey run | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Pine Barrens/South Jersey run

Best date

  • Friday Feb 8th

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Saturday Feb 9th

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • Sunday Feb 10th

    Votes: 3 60.0%
  • None of the above

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
yea that's one of the 'deeper' spots there, you can go around it. and that's actually not the main area to offroad.

but you guys just reminded me, i left a lecture at Rutgers to tow my buddy out who had a full size bronco on 33" mudders, then i drove back up to Rutgers just in time for my next class :D


^^ same area i was stuck in, but picture is taken from the other side

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Hahaha, that's sick. As long as I don't have to risk a hydrolock, I'm def down with the first option you posted assuming there will be some water, mud pits and a handful of interesting crawls/climbs.

Im down with hitting up both places..


Done and done. Now we just gotta get some more interest and pick a date. I sent out like 6 PMs earlier, so hopefully a few more people trickle in.

I think we should invite Iz, I know how much he likes to play in the mud. Plus with the lockers and all that travel he should have no trouble with that hill climb.


Who's Iz? (sorry... been outta the explorer seen too long)

And is Chris still around with his black SAS'd 98 sport? Last I talked to him (probably about a year or more ago) he moved so he's not near Paragon anymore...

hey im probably in if ya'll don't mind havin a ranger in the mix, i went down to wharton with matt in november and had a blast, trying to avoid the really deep water seeing as i already hydrolocked once, but i love a good mud pit to mess around in, hill climbs are awesome too

I havent seen Chris in a few years, helped me a couple times, and I helped him out getting him parts at the parts store I worked at. Iz, IZwack, a moderator here and pretty cool guy with his rig and fancy tow rig.


Haha, we'd love to have a Ranger. Mix it up a bit. I'll PM IZ the info.

just cause i love to show off my pictures and this is pretty much my first introduction to the site, this is what i'll be bringin to the party

hmm...I have just completed the install on my 04's new motor.. I wonder if its a good idea to take it out again.. Went out once.. in barely anything, drove through a semi-deep puddles and got hydrolocked or what the insurance company called water intrusion. .

what do you all think.. just some trails with no puddles would be nice.. or some hills.. i think im done with water for now..

haha yea been there/done that.. twice! (do a search for the word hydrolock with my screen name :p:)

there's always ways around the water without going through

The more rigs the better.


yea, come along, you can drive around. I wish I had my snorkel done. :(

It's one of the next things on my list. I guess I shouldn't say "done" because that implies that I've started.

After the exhaust, the next things on the list are a locker, sliders, AAL and snorkel, but I have $11 in my bank account, so no locker, sliders or AAL anytime soon. Snorkel is the only thing I can afford right now. Haha. But I have no clue when I'll have time to get it done.

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I actually have a set of AAL that I am not using. I did use them for a year or so, so there is the normal rust and I don't have the center pins as I had to cut them off. But if you want I can bring them down for you. It would help eliminate some of parts I have sitting in the garage not getting used. I should dig through my pile of parts and see what I Have laying around that Im not using. So yeah if you want them you can have them.

