custom grille poll | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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custom grille poll

what you think

  • heck yeah, i'd do the same!

    Votes: 17 24.3%
  • it sucks!

    Votes: 16 22.9%
  • too bmw, thumbs down

    Votes: 32 45.7%
  • where did you buy it?

    Votes: 5 7.1%

  • Total voters


Elite Explorer
October 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Wing, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 xlt
here are pictures of my grille for now

what do you think? i have a little while to decide before it gets paitned.


  • a1.JPG
    32.8 KB · Views: 1,261
  • a2.JPG
    34.1 KB · Views: 1,274
  • a4.JPG
    25.9 KB · Views: 1,252

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thats really sweet, will look great when painted way better than the normal logo

too bmw esque for me

I'm not feeling it.

It looks Waaaay too BMW.....


Also , you definitley have to get rid of those lights, they just don't match, being so blue and obvious. :confused:

First time I looked at your photos, I thought of one thing:


It might look better painted, sorry, it just doesn't work for me. It might grow on me after a while but I'm a big fan of "first impressions" ;)

Since you asked, I think it looks like you're trying to do a BMW conversion on the front of your Ex. However, it's yours, so do whatever you want. FWIW, I like the driving lights, but I think they either need to be incorporated into the design of the grille (so they don't look like an afterthought) or tinted to make them less visible (which will obviously reduce their effectiveness, but maybe not enough to matter).

Not criticizing the quality of your work - it looks like you did a great job. It's just too bad that BMW beat you to it.


Why would you do that to an Explorer??? OUCH! :(

Hey man, if you are goin for a bimmer style, try shrinking the grill holes a bit, that will help out immensly--thinking of it from a headlight to grille proportion...
If you pull it off right, I think it could look good!

or... take the post outta the middle?

the lights don't look obvious when its painted white. the way it will be, but yeah they show u too much when its black.


  • aaa14.JPG
    60.8 KB · Views: 1,146

i think that grille is awesome it looks great

keep the responses coming, i'm really happy to be getting nice honest feedback here guys.

I myself don't like it but that doesn't matter as its not my truck but go with the flow kick around acouple idea's draw some sketchs and if thats the final design you like stick with it.

expo5.0 said:
keep the responses coming, i'm really happy to be getting nice honest feedback here guys.

is this sarcasm? or do you really like the fact that most of us are saying ugly..... i think i stated befroe too bmw for me, but i do admire the work that went into it, it definately is unique....

no, i really do like the negative feedback.

i'm glad ot get all kinds of responses, and i do want to knw what people think

I think the real problem here is that it's really hard to come up with something really different from what's already been done. You tried two openings, which looks similar to BMW or Pontiac. You could do three, but that might look like a Nissan. A single horizontal bar might work, but would look a lot like stock. Several thicker vertical bars would look like a Jeep or Hummer. A single vertical and horizontal would look like a Dodge. Even diagonal bars have been done, on Mitsubishis.

I'd like to see some more pictures of yours, preferably in daylight, and more info on how you made it. However, I think if it were my Ex, I'd choose your old grille over the new one.


Wow! Is that the new BMW X5.0?

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I think it will look better painted. The difference from the black to white will make it look a lot better.

And by the way - here is a BMW Explorer:

