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The SoCal Crew

It's the Michillinda (or however you spell it) exit off the 210.

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hey count me in for the 4th

What time on Saturday? :rolleyes:

I'll try to give Tim a call tonight...

6pm sounds good...

I called Tim :rolleyes: No luck, just voice mail. So I left him a message.

6 it is.

CG said:

Did you get my pm about the tires?




i just have not time to anwser it. The rear will be fine, no trimming needed. The front I had to trim behind the tire on the fender, but just a little. Your B/S on your wheels is very important.

see you guys tonight at 6

I don't know if anyone will see this....But the USC and UCLA game just ended so traffic may suck for some of us. :rolleyes:

Tim will be joining us tonight :D

ouch what happened Jefe? Blow the complete motor or just lose a head gasket???? Sorry I dont have a hoist to loan you or I would.

Felix said:
ouch what happened Jefe? Blow the complete motor or just lose a head gasket???? Sorry I dont have a hoist to loan you or I would.
For the past 6 months or so it had been running lean (computer barely able to keep up with it) along with a hesitation/hickup under acceleration/load. From then till now it had gone from hardly noticable to now a noticable lack of power under heavy load. Over that time I'd been replacing sensors, tune-up items, even intake gaskets trying to figure it out. And then this weekend I practically lost a cylinder (or two?) (missing consistently) and got worse getting it home, having to floor it just to get going from a stop light. Don't know if the two are related, or brought on by the other.

These past couple nights I've been tearing into it to see whats wrong and see if I can rebuild the top end or if I should find a used engine to throw in.


I started with the 'good' side. I know cyl 4 was the one missing (OBD-II stats) but 1-3 were easier to get at. Here's what I found so far:

Cyl 3 looks like it has a toasty exhaust valve ? and doesn't appear to close completely.

And cyl 3 is also scarred up pretty good:

Tonight we'll see what the bad side holds for us.

However, after seeing the cylinder wall scaring last night I went ahead and found a used engine to throw in to get it back up and running. Should be here in time for the weekend. Hopefully this one will run well enough to smog the truck. :rolleyes:

Fenderguy said:
That sucks Jefe! Sorry to hear that. Sorry don't have a hoist either. It looks like that wish list in your vBGarage might be granted?

Yup :D Its just a little sooner than I had planned. I will rebuild the current engine with all the goodies: cam, ported heads, headers and some other fun stuff. ;)

You killed it! :eek: I have a hoist I could get from my dad but I would not be able to get it to you till next weekend, and then we will be using it to tare out the motor of the the lil sis truck :rolleyes:

by the way I about to hit 130k ;)

Jefe said:

:D Zoom zoom! Very nice Jefe I did't see it the first time then it caught my eye. You had that up your sleve the whole time ...havn't you! :nono:

no pics tonight. :rolleyes: Cyl 4's valve is a little worse off than Cyl 3, but nothing else that stands out to me. head gaskets looked good. I give up :confused:

TDG said:
You can use my hoist if you need it.
Sweet. I'll be sending you a PM

Stic-o said:
:D Zoom zoom! Very nice Jefe I did't see it the first time then it caught my eye. You had that up your sleve the whole time ...havn't you! :nono:
Shhh :p

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Did you check your oil? From the look of that #3 cylinder your rings are probly shot and its making your oil get that nasty dark color soon after you change your oil. Of course the only way to check your if rings are holding good compression is to have the heads installed. :(
