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Diamond headlights are in

do you have a pic of your brushed aluminum guage bezel? and where did you get it?

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lbrowne said:
do you have a pic of your brushed aluminum guage bezel? and where did you get it?
Yea i have a pic.And i got it off eBay a couple years ago.Not sure who the seller was or how i came across it.


  • travisgauges.jpg
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Hey just wanted to let anyone know.The problem i had with the tight fit putting the lights in.I took them apart and re-used the old clips and it all fit together very nicely.Just an update for anyone who may be having a problem with the tight fittingof these lights.

So these are actual HID housings right?

For those diamond front signals, I have a great oem suggestion. I put silverstar turn signal bulbs in it and it looks great durning the daytime because it gives off this purple color. You also don't need to worry about cops pulling you over because they glow orange.

Djneff said:
For those diamond front signals, I have a great oem suggestion. I put silverstar turn signal bulbs in it and it looks great durning the daytime because it gives off this purple color. You also don't need to worry about cops pulling you over because they glow orange.

Yea im going to look into these soon.I have the silverstar headlights and love them.

When I first saw this thread I went straight to Makoto and saw a combo. I bookmarked it for later. I don't see the combo anymore. Anybody know where to get the combo?
I was thinking about selling the Explorer but have decided against it. If I'm going to keep it I'm going to make it look like what I want.

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