Lets See Those Custom Air Intake Modz | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lets See Those Custom Air Intake Modz


Well-Known Member
December 1, 2005
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1997 5.0 AWD xlt
hey everyone. just wondering if anyone has done custom... and by custom i mean not the bolt on.. im talking new duct work and running... custom cold air intakes..... thanks an lets see ' em

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These arent the greatest pics, but what I have is an air curtain that I made, and a K&N air filter on a 3" piece of metal pipe I welded to a piece of plate steel. I then bolted the pipe to the MAF. Works great. My digital camera is getting fixed, but when I get it back I can post some pics with the parts installed.

air box mod fender side and front cut out then using gutter screen and rivits.

cisurfer said:
air box mod fender side and front cut out then using gutter screen and rivits.
Thats a really cool idea,I just have mine swiss cheesed.



have you guys noticed differences when you did this?

I customized my k&N setup by adding a 73mm C&L mass air flow housing. I'll paint the pvc black eventually.

There is more throttle response and a much better sound. Acceleration is a little better and i've noticed a slight increase in MPG.

Ok don't give me crap for my **** being dirty. I just had a back surgery, and truck has been pretty much sitting. But I'll post a pic anyway.
My maf has a 3 bolt flange, as does the filter, so they have to be mounted together. All I need ( besides a good bath) is a nice box around filter and a hood seal.


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ITS DRIRTY!! no really i cant see any dirt. what kind of intake manifold is that?

looks like an edelbrock...do i win the cookie?

Doubt Incarnate said:
looks like an edelbrock...do i win the cookie?
Actually it is a Proffesional Products Typhoon
It is identical to Edelbrock, but polished is less money than Ed's satin performer

sooooo close

jtsmith said:
Actually it is a Proffesional Products Typhoon
It is identical to Edelbrock, but polished is less money than Ed's satin performer

do they have a website?

Did you notice any poor casting and ports bot lining up with your pro products manifold? I had the same thing for my 95 Cobra and that thing needed tons of work just to get the ports to align from upper to lower... cheap chinese knockoffs...

jtsmith your engine is not that dirty you should see my engine on my explorer its very dirty too I definitely need to have my engine bay cleaned badly. But all this rainy weather is non stop here in cali. Its been raining over and over and over.

I've got to get a pic of mine up one of these days. I'm using the filter box from a Volant for the SOHC (complete with a "5.0" badge where the Volant once used to be), intake tube from a ASMI setup (painted), C&L 73 mm MAF body (stock electronics), Green filter. Nice setup and one of a kind.

i think i'll steal your idea. ;)

[QUOTE='97 V8]i think i'll steal your idea. ;)[/QUOTE]

It's an expensive option. I already had the Volant setup from my '00 Sport. Ended up scoring the ASMI on eBay and paid full pop for the whole setup (only needed the tube). Also had the MAF body on the Sport. Just scored the filter recently from on online retailer ($69 US + shipping).

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celly said:
It's an expensive option. I already had the Volant setup from my '00 Sport. Ended up scoring the ASMI on eBay and paid full pop for the whole setup (only needed the tube). Also had the MAF body on the Sport. Just scored the filter recently from on online retailer ($69 US + shipping).
Post some pics, what sort of filter costs 69 USD?
