Froader and Section coming to Texas | Page 7 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Froader and Section coming to Texas

Tell her I am sorry next time you see her. Although mostly it was FROADER. :p

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Alright, they are all out of order, but here are the pics... Texas Road Trip

Here are a few teasers.






So Johnny and I heard that it didn't rain in AZ...



Hopefully their dog isn't too traumatized... :D Jeff's shoes around his collar and he didn't even care.


Again, it was an awesome trip, and Jeff... YOU DA MAN!!

By the way... I am normal height. The rest are all midgets.

section525 said:
By the way... I am normal height. The rest are all midgets.

There is nothing "normal" about that group picture.

What's with the crazy spider that looks like it's about to take over the world :eek:


Stic-o said:
What's with the crazy spider that looks like it's about to take over the world :eek:
Yeah, it was just chillin' in Jeff's toolbox. He says, "huh, looks like a spider found a new home in my toolbox." like it's an ordinary house spider... WTF?!?! :D I looked at it and about **** myself...

Yeah, it was just chillin' in Jeff's toolbox. He says, "huh, looks like a spider found a new home in my toolbox." like it's an ordinary house spider... WTF?!?! :D I looked at it and about **** myself...

He's a friendly spider, it's the Black Widow by the front door that I am worried about. :eek:

About whether we still love Johnny or not, it depends on what is in that package. :p :D

I'll try and get all of our pics up this weekend.

section525 said:
By the way... I am normal height. The rest are all midgets.

I've never thought about it before, but the only taller than average moderators I've met are Matt, Perry, Heath, and Brian (unless I'm forgetting someone). At only 5'7" I believe I'm as tall as most of the others I've met, if not taller. Maybe there's a height limit requirement to be a mod :) There isn't a weight limit requirement, LOL :D

So the majority of Moderators are midgets? I am only 6'1¾" which seems to be the going height rate around these parts. :p

GJarrett said:
I've never thought about it before, but the only taller than average moderators I've met are Matt, Perry, Heath, and Brian (unless I'm forgetting someone). At only 5'7" I believe I'm as tall as most of the others I've met, if not taller. Maybe there's a height limit requirement to be a mod :) There isn't a weight limit requirement, LOL :D

Your a midget.

I'm 5'10".

Damn i wish i coulda made it... i had to work that weekend. :( Its been a long time since ive hung with the Texas crew. Needs to happen soon.

james t said:
Damn i wish i coulda made it... i had to work that weekend. :( Its been a long time since ive hung with the Texas crew. Needs to happen soon.

I almost shed a tear when I heard you weren't coming. :(

Yea man, i read this thread a while back and almost cussed yall out for not coming on a weekend im off. But alas, i cannot get my way on everything. If i would have had an ounce of vacation left i would have taken off, but it was all gone. :(

That would have been the badest assest EF party ever. I mean friggin ever. Maybe next time. :(

Horse ****. He dropped some candy down there and was trying to get it back.

blah blah blah, blu blah bl blah[/img]
dood you look like Tony Stewart. My wife would do you right now. (she has a thing for t.stewart)

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