SoCal peeps, lets think of a club name. | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SoCal peeps, lets think of a club name.

What about a tire tread with the name in it ? :rolleyes:

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If you mean like this...

no thanks!

Image just the tire tracks in the mudd with the name in it.

Hey I went today!

We also need a small sub sticker in there somewhere for those of us unfortunate enough to belong. It should say something like MEMBER: "ROLLOVER POSSE":p:

 this is how you string me along:p:

We also need a small sub sticker in there somewhere for those of us unfortunate enough to belong. It should say something like MEMBER: "ROLLOVER POSSE":p:

We could have little quarter circle arcs to add around the center sticker:
1st - "Flop" -roll onto side
2nd - "Rubber side Up"
3rd - "Full Roll" -360 or more
4th - "Emeritus" -salvage or converted to tube rig (or bought Jeep :D)

(wasn't there a thread on the "Rollover Posse" already somewhere?)

rough rangers? lmao, rough roaders? o.c.trail dusters? o.c.trail boss's, o.c. rough riders, oh i see the art work of a guy driving his orv with a black bandana and black cowboy hat....

I like the last one best. Can we see it in black and grey?

I like the last one best. Can we see it in black and grey?
I think I like the color one better, but we can change the green if we want..


  • sticker_BW.jpg
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