dually rims? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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dually rims?

just a thought- think it would be possible to use spacer/bolt pattern converters to retrofit a set of 19 inch dually front wheels to all 4 corners? Thought it would be kind of cool to have 8 lugs instead of 5. I also need to find some quality converters to do this- something tough. Think it will put too much stress on the bearings etc?

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Anything is possible but I don't see anyone making a set for you due to liability issues. Yes you would kill bearings on a regular basis.

put in duallie axles...



haha that's weird looking, but cool. If your doing this all for more leg nuts and studs - I'd advise against it. But if you need the addition strangth of more studs and lugs....do it!



hahah thats awesome. lol I was more thinkin of putting the front wheels, or even say the wheels off an F350 superduty (Non dually) on my truck. Get the 8 lug look. Similar to what the guys with f350s are doing putting on semi truck rims. Maybe I should do that? haha

Well I didn't feel like spending a lot of time of a dually explorer so I forgot to put the line on the back fender. :eek:

Needs more chrome. And some side stacks. :)
