5r55w Torque convertor bolts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5r55w Torque convertor bolts


Well-Known Member
December 29, 2005
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Elmendorf AFB, AK
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 4x4
Hey, I have a question. I'm replacing the motor on my 02 Exp, and ran into a bit of a problem. I can't seem to find a wrench that will get to the torque convertor bolts. There is literally a finger's width space between the flywheel, and torque convertor. Anyone know of a special wrench or maybe if a offset closed end wrench will work. Also what size they maybe it appears they are 13mm, but unsure.

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Also can some please answer this for me. What is this tube for.

I am not real familiar with that setup--
can't you get the torque conveter nuts one at a time through the strter hole?

on a 4r70w they are 14mm

That hose is for drain back from the front pump to the overfill on the rear.

Okay say that hose broke when I pulled the motor. I have a big problem on my hands don't I.

And I didn't bother to look at the starter hole to see if I could get to the bolts, but I will now. Thanks.

Okay say that hose broke when I pulled the motor. I have a big problem on my hands don't I.

And I didn't bother to look at the starter hole to see if I could get to the bolts, but I will now. Thanks.

Just in case I was unclear--you need to remove the starter-then go in that hole with a socket--

Just in case I was unclear--you need to remove the starter-then go in that hole with a socket--

Well now that I remember, on the 02-up there is not starter hole. One bolt, bolts the starter to the motor, the other bolt, bolts it to the tranny. The starter hole is actually a casting in the Bell housing. Looks like another thing Ford did to make this tranny all that much more complicated.:splat: :censored:

There has to be a hole to get the starter gear to the flywheel-then there should be holes in the flywheel to see the torque converter nuts through--

Okay I got the new motor in tonight, the 5r55w does have a place in the starter location to get to the torque convertor bolts. It on ward from here.

If my memory serves me correct,this is easy. A 3/8 drive ratchet, extension minimum of 8", and a non impact shallow well 14mm!

If this is a 4.6 then there is an access plug that is about 3" in diameter on the lower drivers side of the engine that will allow access to the TC nuts.

Also can some please answer this for me. What is this tube for.

That is the vent hose. There is a vent hose on the A4LD and 5R55E as well. It is designed to allow the case to operate at atmospheric pressure. In normal operation it does not transmit fluid. If you "boil the fluid" it might overvent fluid but only then.
