in the market for a 08 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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in the market for a 08


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January 7, 2008
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looking to purchase a 2008 sport trac. undecided betweeen the 6 cyl or the 8. i did notice that at the dealerships, they are listing the gas mileage as nearly the same between the two. any input? also noticed in the brochure it shows what appears to be a nice navigation screen. didnt see it on any of the ones i looked at.

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And the Nav is nice.
looking to purchase a 2008 sport trac. undecided betweeen the 6 cyl or the 8. i did notice that at the dealerships, they are listing the gas mileage as nearly the same between the two. any input? also noticed in the brochure it shows what appears to be a nice navigation screen. didnt see it on any of the ones i looked at.

I just got an '08 V6. It has plenty of power. I know the mpg ratings are the same but I'd pass on the V8, unless you tow a trailer I don't think it's necessary IMO. Gas is not likely to ever get cheaper.

I too am looking at an 08. I was lucky enough to drive both the 6 and 8. I personally after driving both would not get the 6. It does have acceleration power, but the real difference in the two is evident in the torque. On the V8, when you drop the accel you notice the power difference immediatly. The V6 seemed to take forever to spool up, the V8 downshifted and picked up right away.

Now take my opinion with a grain of salt because I don't drive underpowered cars, my daily driver is supercharged so I'm used to the power. When I drove the V6 it left me needing more. Couple that with the negligable gas mileage and negligable price difference and the decision is easy. Get the V8 if you can find one.

Also I was looking specifically for a ST with no sunroof, so I was searching Fords inventory in my 100 mile radius. Not one single truck had the nav and I probably looked at 60 trucks online. Hell, it's hard to find one without a sunroof either.

Good luck, let us know what you do. I'm making my decision tomorrow as the truck I found had everything but the nav and sunroof, the sticker is a little high for my intended use, but the bells and whistles will be very nice.


i currently drive a bmw m5 so nothing really feels fast to me:D

Then don't get the V6.
The price and mileage difference is small, and the V8 will make you much happier.

i currently drive a bmw m5 so nothing really feels fast to me:D

Very nice, I looked at them when I got my Caddy, great cars.

The problem is I'm spoiled now. Getting in a V6 just doesn't cut it anymore, especially at the 210 hp range.

I'm making my decision today, I'll probably pull the trigger. I'll let you all know what I decide. I'm trading in my 2000 F150 4 x 4.

I drove both the V6 and the V8 ST and hands down, the V8 was better.

I bought a 2008 Limited 2wd. My regular driving so far has netted an average of 19 mpg.


I bought the 08 with the V8 and 4x4, only 4 in the whole state available.
I wanted the sunroof but did not like the color.
Window sticker quotes 19 to 20 for the highway mileage, I am getting 22 mpg.

show us a picture

what color did you get?

The dark royal blue. I wish it had the grey interior thou.


Go w/ the 4.6L V8. I'm only getting 17 or so hwy in my 03 V6 Explorer. I'm in the process of doing the 60k mi. maint. on it, so we'll see if it gets better.

You never know what you'll want to tow or haul in the future, so get the V8. It will also make good power w/ an exhaust and intake==>more fun to drive:D

nice sport trac u got there green mando
