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Aluminum wheels

I recently bought a set of wheels and tires from PA99XploderSport.. wheels are M/T Classic II aluminum uncoated.. the wheels are pretty oxidized from use on winter conditions so dirt, road salt, brake dust and other hard crusty things have clinged pretty good on them.. i managed to clean them out smooth using 0000 steel wool and WD40 but i was left with white oxidation spots and other impurities that would not go away.. i already tried mother's aluminum polish, nerver-dull, mother's billet polish, powerballed it, hand rubbed it, etc.. basically, i've tried almost every aluminum wheel polishing product out there that could be bought from autozone, pepboys, wal-mart and advanced auto parts.. i am just lost on what to do to get rid of those SPOTS!!

here's a couple of pics of what i'm talking about:





little help please?:help:

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The wheels are pitted, but a company called trans-wheel will refinish them for a pretty decent price. I tried a search site called and found a set of four for $100.00 (could not beat that anywhere.

hope this helps, Tommy

I recently bought a set of wheels and tires from PA99XploderSport.. wheels are M/T Classic II aluminum uncoated.. the wheels are pretty oxidized from use on winter conditions so dirt, road salt, brake dust and other hard crusty things have clinged pretty good on them.. i managed to clean them out smooth using 0000 steel wool and WD40 but i was left with white oxidation spots and other impurities that would not go away.. i already tried mother's aluminum polish, nerver-dull, mother's billet polish, powerballed it, hand rubbed it, etc.. basically, i've tried almost every aluminum wheel polishing product out there that could be bought from autozone, pepboys, wal-mart and advanced auto parts.. i am just lost on what to do to get rid of those SPOTS!!

here's a couple of pics of what i'm talking about:





little help please?:help:

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You got any pictures of these mounted up? I'm about to order a set....

interested in seeing the results/finished pics. after 12 years my Centerlines are starting to oxidize as well. havent tried anything but mothers and never dull so far.

Hmm... seems I had this little project with really similar wheels - American Eagle 058s, 5 on 4.5 look really close to the Classic IIs. I paid about 65 for each wheel. I wore them in the winter and they look exactly like yours originally did. With an abrasive ball, 1/4" die grinder and some polish, I got them to look like you did. Kind of good, at least a little more clean.

I spent an hour on them with the die grinder, but considered getting them coated, but it's not really worth it since the wheels are so cheap I can just buy another set and not have the hassle if I want the look. They are staying the way they are for now!


They looked great-
The first coat is just about cured-

I'll let them cool , clear them and get a picture.

By the way guys-parad1gm has asked me to coat them with smoked chrome, and super durable clear coat. They will look different, but beautiful, and will be maintenance free. Soap and water only.

OH, --since I was just about out of the smoked chrome powder-I went ahead and covered the backs best I could;)

gimme about 45 minutes--

You didnt save any black chrome for my shocks? Oh that is so it, you are so off my friends list, meany! :p:

You didnt save any black chrome for my shocks? Oh that is so it, you are so off my friends list, meany! :p:

I'm taking parad1gm's cash and buying about 10 lbs of smoked chrome. It is by far my favorite color so far. The results are outstanding. I take no credit for it. It is that nice.

The last shot is of the back--

Oh, what do you guys think of my home made wheel rack?

These are taken before clear coat--wait a minute-


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daaaaang those are pretty sweet!

daaaaang those are pretty sweet!

You should see what I see in the oven:D

about 5-8 more minutes--then give me time to get pictures.

Evan, if you see this, thanks again for helping with the trolley track!

I'll get some shots in the sunlight -it will bring out more metallic-
for now-


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Nice wheels, but back to the white spots,

are these wheels just coated in aluminum? If this is the case then it is very possible that the rust ate through the aluminum and took off the outer aluminum coating- permeant damage.

This happens a lot after I scrub rust off my 80+ year old hand tools, the rust takes off the chrome off with it.

Kinda blurry, but I was in a hurry--


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those look incredible!!! do u paint professionally? is that something I can do? I have a set of Konigs on my other SUV-a Pathfinder, and they are beyond pitted. Have been looking for replacements but that would look great. The moldings are the same color as the rims you painted.


those look incredible!!! do u paint professionally? is that something I can do? I have a set of Konigs on my other SUV-a Pathfinder, and they are beyond pitted. Have been looking for replacements but that would look great. The moldings are the same color as the rims you painted.
Well, first I got in to a hobby
which turned to obsession

These are powdercoated-
electrostatically charged powder paint applied to bare metal, which is then heat cured to 350 degrees, slowly.

Thanks for the comment. I really do enjoy this. it's like making a transformation happen. And, it satisfies my need for instant gratification.

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$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I'd like to send my son's rims to you. Can I say I knew you before you were "Mr. JTSmith" of Wheelco Enhancement/JTSmith's, LLC?
