Is there away to test the 4wd switch | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Is there away to test the 4wd switch


September 22, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Minden Nevada
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 Mazada Navajo LX
my question is when I manually put the transfer case in high,you turn on the ignition key, look at the dash the little 4X4 light is on and so is the light next to the 4 high button, now here is the kicker when I manually put the transfer case in low,then turn on the ignition key the little 4x4 light is on,the light next to 4 high is on again,not the 4 low like it should be, right ????. Is there away to test to see if the 4wd drive switch is good.Could this be my problem why it won't go into 4 low ????. And also is there away to test the position sensor that in the shifter motor assembley. Could this also be my problem ???? I'm getting closer to fixing it permently,I thought about using the double pole,double throw switch, but you are still relying on the shifter motor,but when I've had enough.And I'm getting close to snapping and when I reach the boiling point.I'm going to make manual shifter, but still thinking about it,I want to mass produce them,But I need a 1354 electronic transfer case that I use as a mock up to design something and put a end to the madness,for me and other people, cause I'm sick of dealing with it and I'm sure there is alot of other people are too

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my question is when I manually put the transfer case in high,you turn on the ignition key, look at the dash the little 4X4 light is on and so is the light next to the 4 high button, now here is the kicker drive switch is good.Could this be my problem why it won't go into 4 low ????. And also is there away to test the position sensor that in the shifter motor assembley. Could this also be my problem ???? I'm getting closer to fixing it permently,I thought about using the double pole,double throw switch, but you are still relying on the shifter motor,but when I've had enough.And I'm getting close to snapping and when I reach the boiling point.I'm going to make manual shifter, but still thinking about it,I want to mass produce them,But I need a 1354 electronic transfer case that I use as a mock up to design something and put a end to the madness,for me and other people, cause I'm sick of dealing with it and I'm sure there is alot of other people are too

Just to clarify some things.. The T-case selector shaft (top pic) is the only mechanical link needed to engage 2H-4H-4L. If you remove the shift motor and rotate the shaft to 4L the T-Case is then in 4L (No matter what the little dash & button lights indicate). The dash button(s) are used with the 4x4 shift computer to detect the current position of the T-case selector shaft and employ logic to shift or not shift. This is accomplished by the metal contacts on the selector cover making contact with the metal pattern on the selector shaft gear.

That being said if you rotate the selector shaft into 4L and drive off road you will definitely notice the difference compared to 4H.. In 4L you will not be able to go above 25-30mph as your rpms will be @4K or so..



ahhh...... you really got to hand it to the guy designed the pc board for the t-case selector guts ( right pic ) ..... looks like they could had made the connections a little shorter but i've seen worse like hand done pc board maunfactureing ....thats some real good work there let me tell you :rolleyes:

i actully got tired of buying and rebuilding shifter motors on my b2 so i just ran it like DeRocha's first pick.I just kept a pair of plier's and a duster in the door pocket like everyone else:rolleyes:.make sure that you are in neutral when you turn selecter shaft into 4 lo.

i actully got tired of buying and rebuilding shifter motors on my b2 so i just ran it like DeRocha's first pick.I just kept a pair of plier's and a duster in the door pocket like everyone else:rolleyes:.make sure that you are in neutral when you turn selecter shaft into 4 lo.


I feel a funny story coming on.

And if that little cover plate with the contacts is not aligned properly, the shift computer can get 'lost' and will refuse to shift because it doesn't know what gear it is in.

4wd dash switch inop

:(4wd dash switch inop

Hi just purchased 92 exploer xlt and electric 4wd wont function.
Neither switch on dash will light and fuse seems ok. Where do i start?
How do I get it in 4wd manually?


:(4wd dash switch inop

Hi just purchased 92 exploer xlt and electric 4wd wont function.
Neither switch on dash will light and fuse seems ok. Where do i start?
How do I get it in 4wd manually?


Welcome to the forum! At the top of each forum there are "sticky" threads which are FAQs of common issues. Check out the Troubleshooting 4x4 thread in the Stock 91-94 forum to get you started.
