Looking to buy a 94 eddie bauer, can anyone answer these Q's? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking to buy a 94 eddie bauer, can anyone answer these Q's?


Well-Known Member
August 12, 2004
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96 Bronco/04 Marauder
First off, when we test drove it, we couldnt get low range to engage, 4x4 worked fine, but Nothing happend with low. How do you get low to come on?

Also, their seems to be an oil leak at the back left of the motor dripping onto the exhaust manifold (well not dripping but their is a clump of black sludge) if it is oil, where is it coming from exactly?

here's what we are looking to pick up for about 1500


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Ah we never tried neutral, will try next time we go back.

Im assuming its an oil leak as it is black, if we end up with this truck ill clean all that off and see what shows back up.

Thanks for the reply :)

Ah we never tried neutral, will try next time we go back....

At the top of this forum is the
4x4 troubleshooting guide:

4x4 High
To engage or disengage 4x4 High:
  • Press the 4x4 button (anytime, nothing else required!)

4x4 Low
To engage or disengage 4x4 Low you must:
  • 1st be in 4x4 high
  • Transmission in Neutral
  • Clutch depressed (manual transmission)
  • Foot on Brake (mph<3)
  • Now Press 4x4 Low

At the top of this forum is the
4x4 troubleshooting guide:

4x4 High
To engage or disengage 4x4 High:
  • Press the 4x4 button (anytime, nothing else required!)

4x4 Low
To engage or disengage 4x4 Low you must:
  • 1st be in 4x4 high
  • Transmission in Neutral
  • Clutch depressed (manual transmission)
  • Foot on Brake (mph<3)
  • Now Press 4x4 Low

Thanks alot, guess we were way off

...I am hoping the instructions I posted didn't confuse you in any way...:scratch:

How many miles on this thing? It looks pretty good. My 94 has 280,000 and leaks almost every fluid imaginable. Can't kill it though! :)

Good luck!


If it's dripping on the exhaust manifold, it's probably either a leak in the valve cover gasket or possibly from the intake manifold gasket. Either way, it's common and probably not a big deal.

If it's dripping on the exhaust manifold, it's probably either a leak in the valve cover gasket or possibly from the intake manifold gasket. Either way, it's common and probably not a big deal.

That would be a much easier fix so i hope its that over a head gasket

How many miles on this thing? It looks pretty good. My 94 has 280,000 and leaks almost every fluid imaginable. Can't kill it though! :)

Good luck!


111k miles :)

Picking the truck up tomorrow

That would be a much easier fix so i hope its that over a head gasket.

Head gaskets don't usually leak oil without other issues cropping up like overheating, sucking down lots of antifreeze, etc. Any oil in that area wouldn't be pressurized.

Head gaskets don't usually leak oil without other issues cropping up like overheating, sucking down lots of antifreeze, etc. Any oil in that area wouldn't be pressurized.

And the truck drove fine, idled fine, and wasnt dripping anything. Tomorrow we are taking it out on the highway to make sure it goes through the gears fine and can do 60+, so that will be the final test before we buy it
