Black Betty, 96 Explorer XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Black Betty, 96 Explorer XLT

Just getting started converting my old daily driver to a toy. Found this site and have been gaining a lot of valuable info. Thanks a bunch.
Here is the before pic.


Here is after 2 inch suspension lift.


And now with 31x10.50 Super Swampers.


Haven't had her in the woods yet. Will be heading there this weekend.

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nice x u got there keep up the good work

hey your truck has the same as mine...i named my 96 sport 4x4 black betty

hey your truck has the same as mine...i named my 96 sport 4x4 black betty

Haha, small world. Guess we are so far apart there is not much chance they will ever meet.

Stucker than hell

Ha. Took Black Betty out to the power lines near my house today. Nice day, been raining for several days, 36 degrees, red clay mud up the ying-yang. Did good all afternoon till I tried to straddle some deep routes coming down a hill and slid over into the deep routes. She was sitting dead on the axles. Had to walk 2 miles back to the house for the tractor. Was froze solid time we all got back home.

Here are some pics.
Richland Creek running high.

Tom's Creek. We went through it.

Stuck big time. Girls just couldn't push us out.

you look somewhat anyoned, haha. Getting stuck is always an adventure. Anyway nice looking rig, I would say take the side skirts off it looks better in my opinion and loose the fog light brackets and move them to the middle of the bumper. But still nice looking truck.

Rear bumper gone

Did away with the rear bumper, side skirts, and silly pieces of chrome. Moved the class 3 hitch up to the frame rails and bolted/welded it there. Decided to just cut the bottom of the rear fenders off for good measure.


nice i like it.

That is a cool thing with the hitch. I like it. Get that spare on top, and remove the spare holder. Get some front tow points. and lock one of those diffs and your really gonna have some fun!

I decided that chrome front bumper had to go. Found this old rear tube bumper that might have come from an old Ranger and fastened it to the front. Put an Aussie Locker in the front diff. That makes all the differance.


Went up to Uwharrie last Sunday with a buddie who has an 03 Rubicon. We went up Daniel Trail the hard way. I had some difficulties due to smallish tires, but made it all the way.


