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Work in progress, TONS of pics.

Cool man.

Honestly I was planning to break 500whp with the other heads.... this will just make it easier...

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Alex, have you asked around about custom cams? See if Jay can design them for the 4.6, if he does those you will gain a bunch just from the cams. Regards,

Alex, have you asked around about custom cams? See if Jay can design them for the 4.6, if he does those you will gain a bunch just from the cams. Regards,

Yeah im still on the fence with the cams... Jay?

He owns Camshaft Innovations, he's about as good as there is at making cams for Fords. He does heads also, and the best route is to have him do matching cam and heads. The valve springs have to be a perfect match to a custom cam. You have to have the exact springs called for, thus it's simpler to have him do it. For the SOHC engine I don't know if he does those cams or heads. I don't get into the modular section of his site.

Cool I appreciate the thought. Just sent him an email :)

I browsed on the SBFtech site enough to discover that they have a section there. It isn't big at all, but the site really is aimed at the older Fords.

When you contact Jay, try ask him if he can do things, instead of asking him for specific answers related to a service he provides. Meaning he will tell you what is possible, what he can do, but for a specific example he will require a data sheet from you about your whole combination. That way he is not tossing non specific information out to the world, or giving away free info. Once a person shows a real interest and intent in his expertise, he freely provides the best customer service. Night,


My email broke down what it has, what ive accomplished, what is on its way, and the future it see's. Along with a list of my mods :thumbsup:

He will see that you are serious, and ask you to fill out his official build sheet, on the site. With that he will be more specific about details. When paid he'll do it and send the cam specs before the cam(s). Let me know if he does the modular stuff, I'd like to hear more examples of real vehicles instead of Mustangs.

He will see that you are serious, and ask you to fill out his official build sheet, on the site. With that he will be more specific about details. When paid he'll do it and send the cam specs before the cam(s). Let me know if he does the modular stuff, I'd like to hear more examples of real vehicles instead of Mustangs.

Sure will.

What will a custom set of cams set me back, more or less?

That's part of my questions, because I've never read of anything but the pushrod cams. The Ford pushrod cams are $400, $300 for a cheaper SADI core material like 99% of OTS cams, OEM Ford cams as example. The springs are really important, when the cam is made the billet core is strong enough to handle more radical ramp shapes. The cam designer has the potential then to produce better total valve opening events, to give a better idle, rpm stability, and more power than lesser cams. I know I make it sound too good, but it is that possible with a custom cam.

Check out nickmckinney's post over at TCCOA and let me know if that looks like it could be problematic while designing custom springs for the TF heads.

It appears that the head is still very new, enough so that the possible spring choices is limited more than it may be six months from now.

I can tell that the members in that thread do not know how to maximize the camshaft and springs etc. The wrong way to set up any cam or springs etc, is to advance or retard the cam to clear the pistons. Any cam is supposed to be designed extremely specifically to provide specific opening and closing events. It's far more complicated than almost anyone ever discovers, unless you get to read a lot of the comments of a real cam designer.

I cannot say if Jay can make cams for those, he has often mentioned working with new heads of another kind to learn about what the head likes.

You have read enough to have heard of an AFR head, a TFS high port head? Those are radically different heads, they look similar, but the cam makes tons of difference in how they make power. A custom cam for an AFR will make more power with it than if it's used with the Canfield/TFS heads. A custom cam made for a Canfield/TFS will make more power with it than if it's used with the AFR heads. The cam designer actually gets tons of extra power by taking advantage of the head design, without compromising other things.

I don't know how else to say it, I'm not a designer, just a person who has read of amazing things from not so special parts. The combination is magic, so try really hard to get a best match between the heads, cams, and intake. Half of the budget "might should" go there. Mine did, I have an equal amount in my shortblock as I do the heads, cam and valvetrain.

The block is another subject, you have a modular and those are inherently expensive. I have to jump up to a $2000+ block to safely reach 500hp. Hopefully Jay can do those new TFS heads(cams).


Looking forward for Jay's response.

Well I have decided to cut it short with the AED and making the switch to something bigger.
If anybody is interest in buying my entire Allen Kit so let me know.

Also up for sale is my Modular Performance big bore short block.

Heads are already gone.

This is how the short block is now. Took these pics last night. I'll soon have a thread on the sale with more details and pics:




WTF???? YOU ARE NUTS!!! :D What in the world could you be putting in it's place? And why can't the block handle a bigger blower/turbo?

I wish I could pull this off your hands but I can't:( Good luck and keep us posted!!!

you have a problem with the threads? or did the block come w/o them?

He's just cleaning some threads, chasing threads.

whats the price on the allen setup?

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Nothing was wrong with the threads, I just cleaned them all up so they are nice and prepped for the future owner :). It looks like a head intake port but that's actually the water port on the block.

This short block is perfectly fine, and will prob handle more than what my new setup will handle at peak. I'm just really itching for a 324 (bored/stroked). Nothing was wrong with the long block.

I already sold the heads to a member from here, and I have ordered my new Trick Flow heads and will get custom grind cams from Jay. And ill change from the AED to the new TVS from Tork Tech.

The TVS is rated at 750whp, and that's not even considering a 324ci or Trick Flow heads meth injected. So it will prob be all ill ever need... I hope lol
