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Work in progress, TONS of pics.

I've been "days" away from doing the trans, for months now. I do have it all apart now, and all parts but one are here or ordered. It's been a bunch of reading about the many sources for advice, parts etc. I was hoping to have the truck running for the warm weather to paint. I have a friend needing work badly, and he was great when he did paint work. So if he is still willing then, I'll be doing a nice paint job before the engine.

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Yo Robert. I appreciate all your mentoring. Hope all is well. Have not heard from you in a while.

Alex, I saw your other thread on TCCOA about the friend's 4R70W burned up. It looked like mostly a stock trans with the shift kit and trans brake you mentioned. There aren't a ton of wild aftermarket parts for these. There are quite a few aftermarket parts that are improvements over the stock stuff. The trick to high powered vehicles is to get the good trans parts in, and the VB and PCM working just right to properly apply the fluid pressure. That last part is all that I worry about, I have all of the best parts you can get for it. The key is which selections to make for VB modifications, which springs to put in the accumulators etc. I'm not sure about that yet, and when done it still will be a testing process.

Good tips thanks. Yeah my tranny needs a rebuild. Took her home today and seems to make more noise than power.. lol

4th gear dyno pulls I guess were fine, but on the street is another story.

Here's a nicer torque curve, at Don's request. This was done on the same day. 400 TQ at 2,900 as opposed to 240 TQ on the pull that broke 400whp.


I'm impressed with what you've done with the M90. I'm glad you made your goal - I have no idea what that feels like cuss I set them too high.

so baddass !!!!!! those numbers are crazy !!!

how much more boost your X capable of handling ??? you said those numbers are " only at 9psi "...

I have no idea what that feels like cuss I set them too high.


Well this was a pretty high expectation as its never been done before, and its been tried by the best, including AED.

Not even on a 5speed Mustang! So to pull it off with all my handicaps from my drive train loss was not easy :)

The current world record that I know of with an M90 was done with an NSX at 490whp. So thats my next goal, to be the M90 record holder.



Yeah I feel it still has a lot more. I'm switching over to a 85mm TB and modifying my intake inlet, going long tubes and 3'' exhaust. These mods should put me at about 430ish at maybe 7-8psi. Once all that's in line im turning up the wick on the SC another 6,000 RPM's and going 10rib. That pulley combo should put my dial at about 12-13psi and should be enough to cross over 500+whp.

Then im going Trick Flow heads ported from Fox Lake, Modular Performance 324ci (big bore/stroked), aluminum driveshaft, race wheels and tires and another 4,000 blower RPM's. Considering the better flow ill have from the new motor I should see about 14psi on my gauge and looking to bust 600+whp on this M90. Hows that for some high expectations? ;)

So my ultimate goal is to blow all the records out of the water. Then maybe make the switch over to the Tork Tech TVS.

I'm working on a trans for you Alex. I like all of those changes, except for the 10 rib and M90 ha ha. All of that would be on my list with the bigger blower and a 4R trans. But that's a ton of money as you know well. Keep at it.

I'm working on a trans for you Alex. I like all of those changes, except for the 10 rib and M90 ha ha. All of that would be on my list with the bigger blower and a 4R trans. But that's a ton of money as you know well. Keep at it.

Yeah I hear you about the blower. Where I stand now its now cheap to make the following mods to hit 500whp. Then the new motor will be a perfect fit for the TVS, but I might as well see what the M90 can spit out at that point. All my pulleys will work for the TVS and will allow me to do some crazy things with that blower as ive done with the M90.

I should be able to sell this proven AED for some decent cash that will let me make the switch to the TVS with not much out of pocket money.

Watcha cooking for me Don?? :)

how much more boost your X capable of handling ??? you said those numbers are " only at 9psi "...

Big bores are good for a safe 16psi or so.... haven't heard of any failers yet of any big bores going out from to much boost... but its whats speculated now.

I figured that you were doing that, finding out what the M90 will do.

I'm still waiting on a couple of parts for my 4R, but I'm also considering trying another VB, from a later car instead of a truck. The popular VB plate holes drilled evidently don't do well in a truck VB. So I can take a chance with mine, tame down the hole sizes, or start with a car VB to begin with.

I have a good feel now for what parts are best to work with, it's actually not much beyond the stock 99+ parts. The 4R70W is very strong, internally, compared to any later trans but the big truck stuff. These are not in the same league as a towing trans, what you get in a turbo diesel or duallie etc. Unfortunately Ford made the Explore V6 trans from a 4 cylinder Thunderbird trans, and the later five speeds have similar strength internal parts.

You should gauge a trans by two things, the VB controls(imperfections or flawless), and the internals. If the internals are strong enough for the loads, then you can usually make the VB etc, work well enough to survive. I think the 5R trannies are all lacking greatly in internal strength. The actual size of the clutches and drums etc, they don't have the capacity to take much power past a certain point. That point is debatable, and I'm not the expert to say what that is. I'd accept the word of the guys who are building them for high performance.

So when you have yours built, don't pay for any odd stuff that is extremely high. I don't know what's out there for the 5R, but most of it will be for getting the VB and controls to work right. Concentrate on that, and keep an eye/ear out for any upgrades that may come out before you find a limit for your trans.

i would would be so happy if you hit 495hp on the m90 just so it knocks the "HONDA" out of the top spot. lets see a explorer up there.

awdrocks and cdw6212R do you guys think it would be worth it to get cobra heads instead of going with the 2V heads for my 5.0 stroker. i have been seeing03-04 cobra heads on ebay for 300-500 bucks so i was wondering what would be a better route. it would save me cash from getting a set of trick flow heads then i could get a nice set of cams, springs and retainers for the same price as the trick flow heads alone.

I can't answer that, I'm an amateur with the modular engines. I suspect that the troubles to convert to the DOHC wouldn't be worth the small gain. Rob(KBX) could say much more about that, he started from scratch with his truck and chose the SOHC to begin with. Things may have changed, but I don't know.

ok sounds good i asked on a mustang forum and they just laughed at me asking why i would do that to a mountaineer. i wanna hit 400-450 at the wheels but don't wanna blow plugs out the heads everyother week. i ordered my motor and got my KB 2.1 supercharger but now i'm thinking i wanna go with the tork tech supercharger.

awdrocks with the fox lake heads have you had any issues with blowing spark plugs?

The Kenne Bell can make way over 700hp, so pick one based on the ease of installation. You have good choices that are bolt on or close to the Mustang. I'm faced with all custom work...

I wanted the Aviator for the DOHC engine, that was five years ago.

Right Rob decided to stay SOHC as the convention was not worth the gains for the amount of investment. But now with the Trick Flow heads and especially if they are ported I think come very close to a 4v head.

No I have not had any spark plug problems yet.

What motor did you order?

If someone wants to buy my heads or bottom end ill sell them. $1,500 for the heads with the comp 262 cams. And im thinking $4,500 for the bottom end. The motor has about 10k on it, and 3k of those was from a 5 day trip.

when are you looking to get rid of your heads? i went with the mmr 5.0 stroker street mod 850 Aluminator Shortblock Killer. i bought it when they were running there sale so it was right around 3500 but i am thinking i should have went with the 4.6 rated up to 600hp for my goals. i could have saved a grand or so.

i ordered a motor from a company out in cali and they told me there was no need for a core then after the short block got to my house they told me i had to pay a core charge of 800 bucks if i couldn't send my motor within 60 days. i told them i was in iraq and they sent a paypal bill to me for 800 bucks. in the end i sent the motor back to them and got a full refund. the next day i hit up MMR the guys are great there. there even holding off the shipping of it till i get home in jan-feb 2010

AWD is your 5.0 the aluminum or cast iron block?

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Ill take off my heads now if you want them... :)
