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baja bar

Hey ExplorerKing01, is there any other way to run the wires into the car besides through the door? Because I am installing my aux lights behind my grille sometime this week and am trying to find the best place to run the wires and all.


Drill a hole through your firewall, on the passenger side. There is a huge open area. Then buy a grommel gasket from Lowes/Home Depot to water proof the hole. Has perfect access to center console, and can easily get it around to the drivers side.

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Drill a hole through your firewall, on the passenger side. There is a huge open area. Then buy a grommel gasket from Lowes/Home Depot to water proof the hole. Has perfect access to center console, and can easily get it around to the drivers side.

I was thinking about drilling a hole but id rather do it through the drivers side. Or is that not a good idea?

Nah, it doesn't matter. I just liked the passenger side cause theres a lot of room, and was easy to get a drill in. Just a personal preferance, as it wont make a difference if you do it on drivers side.

Nah, it doesn't matter. I just liked the passenger side cause theres a lot of room, and was easy to get a drill in. Just a personal preferance, as it wont make a difference if you do it on drivers side.

Alright just wanted to make sure. Thanks, hoping the install goes well.

I know there is a spot to run the wires through the firewall I'll look for a spot when I get home from school today.

I found a great path for running wires through the firewall on my '02 XLT that should provide you with plenty of room to run wire.

This is the view from the engine compartment. The access is behind the brake booster. Look behind the brake booster and down and you will see it:


This is the view from inside the Ex. Follow the brake pedal up to the firewall and look to the left. The red arrow points to the piece that you peel back and the black arrow points to the grommet:


Hope this helps out!! :biggthump

I found a great path for running wires through the firewall on my '02 XLT that should provide you with plenty of room to run wire.

This is the view from the engine compartment. The access is behind the brake booster. Look behind the brake booster and down and you will see it:


This is the view from inside the Ex. Follow the brake pedal up to the firewall and look to the left. The red arrow points to the piece that you peel back and the black arrow points to the grommet:


Hope this helps out!! :biggthump

Thanks Rondo, hoping that it stops snowing tomorrow so I can go through with the install!

Thanks Rondo, hoping that it stops snowing tomorrow so I can go through with the install!

No problem. :thumbsup: I guess if it's snowing there it will be moving my way soon. :cool:

No problem. :thumbsup: I guess if it's snowing there it will be moving my way soon. :cool:

One would imagine so, but who knows I didnt even think it was supposed to snow here today. More snow though the better means I can start going skiing soon.

One would imagine so, but who knows I didnt even think it was supposed to snow here today. More snow though the better means I can start going skiing soon.

As much as I hate to say it, I want some snow so I can test my new tires.

As much as I hate to say it, I want some snow so I can test my new tires.

Lol, yeah I feel the same way I just got a set of michelin latitudes a week ago.

finaly got the bar all done with the pro comp lights on. what do yall think about it





Looks nice but how strong are the welds? looks like it may fall apart with a decent amount of offraoding.

Looks real nice. :thumbsup:

Top job on the bar mate:thumbsup: I've just realized I've already said I liked it. Thought it felt like deja vu, still looks good too.

here is the bar all painted and looking nice

with the light covers

looks like it will fall off if you do any real offroading. Mine did even after bracing the 90 degree bends.

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