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BD's 2000 Explorer Limited

2000 Explorer Limited

-Picked her up (10/13/2010)
-140,093 miles when I test drove it
-5.0 V8, AWD
-Pearl White
-Dark grey leather interior

My dream explorer basically, no more old ones, no more sports, I finally have an Explorer that I love everything about!

I absolutely love the limited, its got:
-Seats w/ headrests
-Memory power seats
-Heated/Puddle mirrors
-Better mirror without all the buttons, just the slider
-Painted to match bumpers and grille
-Woodgrain radio bezel
-Digital HVAC controls
-And its got the homelink visor with a nifty little voice recorder that I will probably never use LOL

And alot more, but im just in awe over its nice features compared to my previous rides. They even recently (In the past few months) had a brand new hitch installed and the trailer harness all wired up.

I dont have any set plans for this one yet, I do have hopes and dreams though, and im stoked about the V8 that has so many options.

Dream list:
-Torque Monster headers
-Custom Tune
-LED tails (Something custom maybe, I just need to study up on resistors and whatnot)
-BMW projectors in a blacked out housing

It does have a few problems that id like some help with, (Fixed all, besides this one)
1. The blower only works when its on all the way high, (Same thing in my grandam, but it was the blower motor resistor then everything worked great) is that a common problem on the digital HVACs?

"For sure" plans include:
-New rims, id like to get a nice 5-spoke set of 20's with a beefy tire
-Paint job in the spring, black
-Some interior accents (Id like todo another metallic blue color like I did in my grandam)

He was asking 3400$ in the ad, but I talked him and his wife down to 2900$ because I was pointing all the little problems out that I mentioned above.

I didnt get a chance to really take any pictures, as it was raining, and almost dark by the time I got home.




I was bored on the way home so I took some random "driving" pictures :D


My friend was driving my Grand Am in front of me, I have a Avic-F700BT in there that will also be going into the Explorer, he was using the GPS to get us back home

I was extremely happy also, I was averaging 16.2 MPG driving with a decently heavy foot getting the feel for the V8 I was controlling :D


Edit- 1/21/11
New parts!

Tie rod ends
Lower ball joints
Upper ball joints (Control arms)
Tires: Firestone Destination A/T's 255/70/R16's
Brake Pads

Slotted (And drilled maybe) Rotors
Better pads
New shocks
Amsoil (In everything!)
Rebuilding tranny (And possibly a valve body kit)

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So I thought this was funny, Brian...

I bought a $170 fuse yesterday...

So basically, you installed $170 worth of speakers, turned the key on, and...


I think that's called karma? :D

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LMFAO! That was priceless!

nice brian. on the 20th of august i turn 31

So basically, you installed $170 worth of speakers, turned the key on, and...


I think that's called karma? :D

You know... I saw this coming....
Lol. Good on though, Joe.

And Brian is not 19, clearly he's 12.

And I got all my Orions for $170 (all 4)
And that's with 2 year warranty
Mickey Shorr was running a dea; on them $69 or $79 for a set of 2 I think.

You have the Orion XTRs, right? 5x7 center tweeter

Yea I think they're the same. I got mine for 39.99$ :D
But I only had like 60$ on me at the time :(


what did u buy brian





You sir are correct. Black; SE; Sync; Hatchback...

Tomorrow shes getting all the tails tinted, and im throwing my Kicker TC10 in there. That "80 watt premium" system is junk. I mean it hits the mids and highs great, but bass above normal listening level sucks. The speakers "boom" too easy if that makes sense?

I love that little car though, I feel like im driving a go-cart:D

(Its for my mom though, im selling the LS, and before anyone tries to stir anything up, I HAVE discussed ALL the problems it has. This girl doesnt care about a damn thing as long as she can get the car home she said, shes in love with it but shes not gonna make it out til this week sometime.)

My moms gonna use it for work and going to the store and whatnot and I get it at night.

(Still have my Explorer though, couldnt ever sell that beast:thumbsup:)

The 302 feels SO much nicer after you get used to a little 4 cyl. 1.4L :)

Very nice, how much for that there LS, exactly? :p

In your thread on that Fiesta forum, you say you leased it, make sure you don't do any mods you can't undo (cheaply).

Good luck with the Fiesta, and last night, Friday, I was gonna call you for Old Country Buffet "car show" but it got rained out, and it doesn't look like I'm going to go tonight either, but maybe next weekend, lol.

I'd have driven over for the OCB.

I've been known to close OCB's down early, like an alcoholic in a bar...

...Did someone call my name? mumble mumble mumble never mind:D

Lmao Joe...would you ever stop by though in all seriousness?

But Brad, we just sold the LS today for 2500$ and the kid gave us a 42" Panasonic plasma for holding it :D (I have a 55" in my room though so the 42" is momma's :p:)

We "leased" it, but were gonna buy it at the end of the lease, I for sure know we'll be very much over our miles (35k, 2 years)

God its so nice to just be able to cruise around and not see your gas gauge creeping towards E...20$ in this car gets me half a tank which shows up on the trip computer as about 270 miles til E :D

Brad, now that I have M-F off every week, im gonna bust ass on finishing my truck (Bumper, rust spots, work on my headlights, finish the interior)

Im also gonna take a stab in the dark and attempt to fiberglass my sub box, so I can paint it a really glossy black.

hey brian u gonna put an exhaust on the fiesta

You know ive been thinking of things todo to it, and im probably just gonna leave the exhaust how it is. It already sounds good, and appearently theres not many good mufflers out for them yet. (Ive read quite a few who loose all low end or all high end torque after swapping mufflers)

I might have some tips put on, but nothing ricer, just a set of chrome 2" or so. (The mufflers right at the back, with 2 plain tips coming out, ugly IMO.

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Brian, is there a computer flasher/tuner you can buy for the Fiesta yet? The reason people lose low end power is because increasing exhaust size leans the engine. The lower restriction lets the engine pump more air, and the computer cannot compensate completely for big changes to the exhaust.

If you get a new program for the engine, then the program can be made for a bigger exhaust, thus no loss of low end power.
