I added some l.e.d. lights. Looks alot better now, pictures added. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I added some l.e.d. lights. Looks alot better now, pictures added.


Explorer Addict
March 6, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Sport Trac
I got bored the other day and there was a break in the bad weather so I added some l.e.d. lights to the front of the Trac and regular lights to the rear (don't have red l.e.d.'s right now but will upgrade).

I'll probably space out the three in the grille because the way the lights shine they look like their just one light bar instead of three.

Being an OTR Driver by trade I love the look of a Chicken Truck rollin' down the road at night as you could tell from my avatar, lol.

I'll be adding more soon and will wire the outside two into the turn signals so they flash with them.

Here's what I did so far before the rain came.





What do y'all think so far? Like I said I'm gonna space out the three in the grille so I'll add some pic's when I do that.

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I like the addition of the 3 facing the rear. But not sure about the 3in the grill. Maybe if spaced out it would look better like you mention.

Unique! I like. :thumbsup: Agree with spacing the front grille lights, though.

Yeah, I think that's gonna happen later today. I might add my strobes too but will probably wait until spring for those. Definitely gonna space out the three in the grille.

I still have my rear lights that I haven't mounted. Maybe this'll be the inspiration I needed. I hope to be pretty much finished for a while with the ST besides a change of all fluids next month. Gotta get back on track to debt reduction and maybe throw a little at the Cougar. Gonna try to pull the engine out this spring and see what all needs to be done. Hopefully nothing major.

What lights do you have for your's?

I like the addition of the 3 facing the rear. But not sure about the 3in the grill. Maybe if spaced out it would look better like you mention.

I agree. Or a few more in the grill to make it look like one long one.

I know it's an Explorer forum, but do tell a bit more about the Cougar....:salute:

Being an OTR Driver by trade I love the look of a Chicken Truck rolin' down the road at night as you could tell from my avatar, lol.

Now if you could just figure out how to get twin 5" stacks and a Jake brake on that thing..... :D

A double drip can, one leaking diesel and the other leaking motor oil would put the topping on the cake!:mattmoon::chug:

Don't get mad ...... just funnin' with ya Jerry !

Lol, Steve. I can't remember where I saw it but I've seen a ST with dual 6" stacks in the bed. I think it was on CarDomain. Looked funny as hell but to each his own.

What lights do you have for your's?

The lights I have are just two cheap rectangular fogs I'm going to wire up for extra light out back when I need it. Thinking about putting them between the bumper and hitch. Haven't decided whether I'm going to wire them into the reverse lights or not.

know it's an Explorer forum, but do tell a bit more about the Cougar....

1969 Mercury Cougar XR7 351W 4bbl. Was my daily driver until gas got to $4/gal when I was in college. Then I started tearing down the engine for the last part of the full restoration. Best picture I have right now is from bringing it to my new home on the trailer. As much as I love my Sport Trac, I'd roll it over a hill to save this car.


Sorry Jerry. Back to topic. Let's see those lights when you rearrange them.

O.k. so I went back out today and re-arranged the three lights in the grille. I think it looks alot better now than I originally had them.

Whatch y'all think??




Better picture of the roof lights...


To legit to quit! Awesome.

those lights look great man!! I love your trac!

Thanks guys. I plan on adding alot more lights eventually.

I like the lights Jerry. The grill ones remind me of the Raptor, it has 3 orange ones in the grill as well.

Thanks guys. I plan on adding alot more lights eventually.

Maybe you can find a way to incorporate some into the rock sliders you want to make. It would be nice to some how recess them into the slider so that they don't get torn off.

Actually I already have the 57" Amber l.e.d. light strips still in the package wiating for those. lol. I don't have anything to mount them to right now since the cladding is curved and they would be too exposed to the debris and elements if I mounted them to the nerf bars.

I planned on mounting them in the center of the rock sliders.

I had a couple different sets of Line of Fire strips on the tailgate but the road salt found it's way inside and fried the circuit boards. The next one I get I'm gonna use winsheild black caulking to seal both ends.

t the road salt found it's way inside and fried the circuit boards.

That damn salt destroys everything! Some caulking should work, when I did my rockers I used copious amounts of tar on the back side and where I riveted my new rocker to the new inner rocker to seal it up. That salt and water finds its way in everywhere.

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The lights in the grille are hidden behind the honeycomb grille. 3M tape to the bottom side of the top cross bar.

I cut out the cross tooth in front of the center light because it was blocking the light abit.

