I want EXTRA EXTRA bright lights !! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I want EXTRA EXTRA bright lights !!

Ok, heres what im looking for. The brightest lights possible for the headlights, taillights, blinkers and reverse lights. Legallity is not an issue for me. I've seen the L.E.D. replacements on ebay but heard some where on this site that they aren't that bright.

I pulled up info off of the Sylvania website that said the Parking lights, Front turn signals, Stop lights, and Tail lights are all 3175. The rear Turn signals and Back up lights are 3165. The Front side markers are 916. The Headlights are 9007 and the Foglights are H3.

If anyone knows of any extremely bright replacements for these please let me know.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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After a point, the only way to make more light in the same housing is with more wattage. There is a limit on how much you can push the stock wiring and lenses without frying them.

I'd recommend Silvania Silverstars in a higher wattage for the headlights with an aftermarket upgraded wiring harness. For all the other lights, the Silvania hyperwhite replacements should be a bit brighter than stock, but not much. If you really want bright stuff you'll either need to redo all your wiring and make sure your lenses don't melt, or get auxiliary lamps.

So the silverstars in a 80/100w ? I think the fogs are 55w, I wonder if they make a hight wattage one for those? Any other suggestions would be greatly appericiated.

Yes, 80/100 headlights should work well with an upgraded harness.

I'd stick with 55 in the fogs regardless of the wiring cause those housings can melt.

From what i've heard thats pretty spendy. I already have about 4 grand in stereo and interior lights. So i need to start saving some money for food and a roof over my head.

Just thought I would look for an inexpensive why to brightin up the outside.

I thought HID convertion kits ran about 4-6 hundered dollars? Do they make matching fog light kits as well?

Yes, they're about that much; but like BM said so is a good set of aftermarket lamps.

There aren't any HID fog kits that I know of. The stock fogs housings are crappy anyway and I wouldn't put much money into them unless you just want to get rid of the yellow tinge.

I don't believe Silverstars in 9007 come with optional wattage.

The use of an aftermarket wiring harness was all that I needed to get good light. See Dead Link Removed

"Xenarc" True HID fog/aux lighting

I just installed SYLVANIA "xenarc" fog lights with the 5200k bulbs @ 2600 lumins a pop. You can also order them with 4300k @ 3200 lumins a bulb. Aimed right they outshine my silverstar bulbs with an aftermarket harness. I paid about $380 total at www.suvlights.com and though it was worth every cent!

Note: it required minor trimming to make the lamps fit, (they are slightly larger than the stock fog lights). But they look great now. :eek:

I run the PIAA plat.. With an SUVlights.com wiring harness(see link above). I did a write up on the install on my "out of date" car domain page. Click the link below and go to page 2 to check it out this is a nice upgrade.
