A faster, simpler, better myford touch is here - MFT Update | Page 12 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A faster, simpler, better myford touch is here - MFT Update

My dealer calls me all the time. They do follow up calls after every service visit. Send me surveys. They take their service very seriously. It probably helps that I phone FoMoCo Canada at the drop of a hat. Being a previous Chev man, I have to say that the service I get from Ford is far superior than Chev. Compared to all the car companies i've dealt with, Ford is by far the best. I'm just lucky I guess to have bought my vehicle at a dealership with an excellent service dept.

Will wonders never cease. Just came back from the dealer and they had miscalibrated the harddrive which is why the nav wouldn't work. So now my life is complete! After 15 months and 20,000 miles the X is working the way it should. I called someone I knew to get a copy of the nav card. My dealer dealer doesn't know if I will recieve the card in the mail or at the dealer where I purchased the car. It better show up because I have to return the card when it shows up. As others are saying the whole package is very fast and accurate including the nav. It is worth the wait,you WILL be happy with it.

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Will wonders never cease. Just came back from the dealer and they had miscalibrated the harddrive which is why the nav wouldn't work. So now my life is complete! After 15 months and 20,000 miles the X is working the way it should. I called someone I knew to get a copy of the nav card. My dealer dealer doesn't know if I will recieve the card in the mail or at the dealer where I purchased the car. It better show up because I have to return the card when it shows up. As others are saying the whole package is very fast and accurate including the nav. It is worth the wait,you WILL be happy with it.

That's excellent news. I am very happy for you. It is very frustrating when things go awry. I am getting my Nav card tomorrow from my dealer. Haven't had one glitch since I upgraded. I hope your card shows up in the mail for you. Happy Exploring snowbird.. Cheers.

For those of you who got the flash-drive, it was mailed to you by the US Mail in an envelope? Little box? I throw so much mail away, need to know what to look for, I wonder what address they will use...I have mysync deal online account with my home address but dont know if that is what they will use or if it will be the address on the registration which is my work.

I'm using the newest nano (6th or 7th gen?), purchased a couple months ago. When you first start the vehicle back up it still shows the correct playlist count (ie 21/100) for a millisecond, then it immediately changes to show 1/100, however the song that was playing doesn't miss a beat and is still in the same part of the song.

Will try another of our ipods in the Ex and see what the results are.

I have this same problem with the same nano. If I have the playlist on shuffle, anytime I stop the engine & restart it, the last song that was playing still plays but the playlist resets to 1. It irks me because I get a lot of repeats. I was hoping this was fixed in the update.

Also can not have a 'split screen' showing fuel level and RPM's along with the MPG graph.

Anyone else having this issue? This is the screen we keep our Ex on.... We would really miss it....

Anyone else having this issue? This is the screen we keep our Ex on.... We would really miss it....

It's a setting. You can still get it. It was mentioned in another post somewhere.

Originally Posted by Bill #4 Explorer
Also can not have a 'split screen' showing fuel level and RPM's along with the MPG graph.

Anyone else having this issue? This is the screen we keep our Ex on.... We would really miss it....

Are you talking about this screen


If it is follow these steps






My dealer won't do the upgrade for me. Says they have not received any of the new map cards so I have to wait :-(

My dealer won't do the upgrade for me. Says they have not received any of the new map cards so I have to wait :-(
My dealer just received the letter about the performance upgrade yesterday from Ford of Canada. No mention in it if Ford will be shipping them any SD cards or not. I also don't know if I will be receiving one in the mail since I have to get the dealer to do it. Good luck.


Just spoke with my service dept. Service bulletin was released this morning by the FoMo Canada. Dealers will have to order in an SD card from a radial point. It doesn't come from Ford. Takes a week depending where your at. Deep breath and exhale. All is good.

Originally Posted by Bill #4 Explorer
Also can not have a 'split screen' showing fuel level and RPM's along with the MPG graph.

Anyone else having this issue? This is the screen we keep our Ex on.... We would really miss it....

Are you talking about this screen


If it is follow these steps






He may have been talking about the "trip display" on your screens above that can also be reset to show the "delux" version with gallons used, etc. Mine had to be reset when I went to v 2.11.

Ever since the upgrade, I have been unable to get a vehicle health report. The report info is collected, but when an attempt is made to send it, I get an error message that the report can not be sent because of a server error. It asks me to try again. The connection is established, but the transmission fails.

Anyone else having that problem?

You probably have to do a few things:

1. re-pair your phone with the car

2. Go to:

3. log in and check/update your info - particularly your cell phone number

This will at least eliminate your phone as the culprit.


Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, I believe the problem is on the Ford end. My phone was re-paired, my phone number is correct on syncmyride. I can connect okay, but when the report is sent, it fails. I get an error message that there is a server connection error. A chat with a rep gave me the reply that they had heard of the problem a few times since the upgrade. Their only suggestion was to keep trying again. That didn't work.

Found a dealer in Florida that had the SD card in stock and would do the upgrade for me. This place is incredible. Watching a movie on one of their 12 leather chairs. The sales floor is the size of a football field and the service bay is even bigger. Picture doesn't do it justice. Hope the update doesn't take too long. "


Wow, pleas post the name and address...might be quicker for me to drive down there from NY to get it done.

Wow, pleas post the name and address...might be quicker for me to drive down there from NY to get it done.

Jarrett Gordon Ford, Davenport FL. Place is incredible. You can see my Ex running as the install is working.


Still nobody that we know of who's received the update in the mail? Do we know if it's coming USPS, UPS or FedEx?

Still nobody that we know of who's received the update in the mail? Do we know if it's coming USPS, UPS or FedEx?

Last I heard it was pony express. . .that's why it's taking so long. :D

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There is hope for us afterall. I downloaded the update to my Ex last week, but have not been able to use the nav since then. Called my dealer this am and explained what I had done and that I needed a new A3 nav card. Dealer has them in stock and I picked one up this am. In and out of the dealer in less than 10 mins. Now that my MFT is complete, the system works much better.

Funny how we keep praising Ford for making good on the MFT. Fact is the system was rushed for release for public consumption in what most programmers would call a beta mode that was full of bugs and glitches that should not have been released. Now that Ford is finally getting it programmed correctly 2+ years later, we are praising them for taking care of us consumers. Reality is they are in damage control mode over all the bad press they have received on MFT and trying to salvage customers for future purchases. What ever happened to product testing prior to public release? instead they made us all guinea pigs, now we are thanking them for taking us out of our cage.

According to Ford I am still on the list to receive an update package in the next few months.
