5.0 Exhaust Thread | Page 21 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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5.0 Exhaust Thread

Best exhaust for modded 5.0 Explorer-Mountaineer

  • Dual exit with flowmaster-

    Votes: 162 41.2%
  • Dual exit with thrush turbo

    Votes: 27 6.9%
  • Single exit 70 series 2.5" tailpipe-rear cats removed

    Votes: 53 13.5%
  • Single exit with 3" tailpipe-rear cats removed

    Votes: 81 20.6%
  • Other--please specify in post

    Votes: 70 17.8%

  • Total voters
But aren't they still the same diameter as stock?

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But aren't they still the same diameter as stock?

The passage ways look to be less restrictive, also, they LOOK bigger, I may just be crazy, but since A LOT of people have the problem with the older ones cracking, I might as well upgrade, and save money at the same time.

Here are what TMHs look like compared to FMS headers...



Wow, I have never seen the ford set before. Didn't know that the cylinders share tubes with each other.

Yeah... I got the FMS headers free with the truck and after looking at them and reading so much about the TMHs I sold them and bought the TMHs lol :-D

Hopefully there will be another option (from one of our own members here?) for TMH without the monster price tag....anyways..

I recently had true duals done up on my dd, and against my better judgement, I listened to my wife after hours of vid searching for sound clips. Also the exhaust shop mad it a suggestion as well AFTER my wife said she like that particular sounding muffler the best.
We went with dual glasspacks...but heres the kicker.. I told the shop I wanted stainless steel band clamps on both ends of each muffler so I could change things up if I wanted. We are all stock pipes even all 4 cats...I wanted to see how it would sound first before cutting off the rear cats, and I will also pick up a dual in dual out flowmaster 40 on Craigslist for 40.00 just in case its too obnoxious after removing the rear cats. Currently the sound is pretty dam good..very mellow, and wife is all happy cuz

1) she picked the sound
2) she says NOW it sounds like a truck..lolz

gotta love a wife/S.O. who is willing to indulge in the festivities!

The reason Torque monsters cost what they do is partially because they are ceramic coated. Check the cost on mustang headers with ceramic coating, you'll see the cost is pretty well in-line with them. Plus, this is a one man operation, so he doesn't have the technology to build with that big names do. This means more time and labor by him...

The reason Torque monsters cost what they do is partially because they are ceramic coated. Check the cost on mustang headers with ceramic coating, you'll see the cost is pretty well in-line with them. Plus, this is a one man operation, so he doesn't have the technology to build with that big names do. This means more time and labor by him...

I agree there are trade offs, but when a jig is built, and you have an option to build the only offering for true potential, and yes he has r&d and dyno to back his claims....but why still do they cost more then a set of headers for a dam BMW,Volvo, Nissan v6, hell...even TOG made headers for the 3.4 gm pushrod v6 crowd way cheaper...even the Turbo headers 3.4 gm pushrod v6 headers were/are cheaper. I also understand priorities, and just plain being burnt out from it all, but consider he has been making them long enough, that if he really wanted, prices could have come down, and production could have gone up. Again, I understand family/housing/work/business issues, but I will say that as a fan....and if he lived nearby...I would have had him teach me the techniques to build them for him in my spare time...I mean really...who wouldnt? They are a work of art...just needs some tweaks of the big picture....again..just my .02

He told me production costs have gone up, and he isn't making that much on them. I don't have a problem paying it for something well made. The other alternative would be something cheap that would be made cheaply to cut costs, and them having to replace them due to failure.
He also has them DEQ/Smog tested and approved. Something that I had a problem with on another car with a "cheaper" header, that was rusting within a year.

I've spent about 40 mins now looking through this thread to find what I want put haven't found it exactly yet. Mountineergreen has that closest set up that I'm thinking about but need input. I want to get a Magnaflow muffler but I don't know which to get. I'm going to run dual 2.5" into the muffler and a single 3" out on a catless exhaust (no emissions testing here). Magnaflow makes various sizes of this set up though. The longest they make is the 12388 @ 30" overall length @ 8" wide. Will this fit? The smallest they make is 12198 @ 20" long and 8" wide. They also make a 5"X11" oval one (12588) @ 28" long.

Opinions/ suggestions?

There is space for at least a 30" muffler, the body not the end pipes.

I have two 16" long Vortex mufflers(20"+ counting the pipes), that each have a pair of 2.5" inlet pipes and one 3" outlet. More muffler volume(total including multiple mufflers), lowers the total sound volume.

I will have room for cross over pipes of easily 18" long to the cats, or longer, depending on where the connectors are placed.

A V8 should have two mufflers, one muffler is enough for a 2 liter engine, not a 5 liter. Go look at any V8 Mustang ever made, they likely will all have two mufflers.

Two mufflers flow twice as much air as one muffler, if performance is the goal. Fitting a pair of mufflers isn't super easy to do, it depends on how thick they are and how much the owner doesn't mind anything hanging down. The pair I chose are 4" thick, so they will easily stack together and fit, and not be seen.

A single "straight thru" dual in/dual out muffler should be fine as well.. Pretty much just an X pipe.

A single "straight thru" dual in/dual out muffler should be fine as well.. Pretty much just an X pipe.

No, not for a V8 engine. Airflow is power, and one muffler flows far far less than two mufflers with the same pipe sizes before and after.

An "X" pipe is not high performance, as they are sold there is no real power gained, only a change in sound(minimal).

In any case, any exhaust on any engine has only two purposes, to get the exhaust out and to lower the sound level.

The exhaust manifolds are unlike the rest of the exhaust, those are critical to the power band regarding sizing and length. You can go too big with headers, the size does affect the power at all rpm's. The headers must be selected to flow the needed amount at certain rpm's.

Everything past the collectors at the end of the headers, that is entirely about sound and power robbing restrictions. Pick your mufflers for sound choice, but make everything past the collectors flow as much air as possible. You should select the pipe/cat/muffler sizes based on the space available. Beyond the collectors, bigger is always better.

All restrictions after the collectors reduce airflow from the engine(loss of power). That is why all race cars not required to use an exhaust, don't. They all end right after the collectors, which is zero restriction, maximum airflow, maximum power.

Just remember that greater airflow means the need for greater fuel to match that airflow. Without tuning, the ratio of air/fuel gets leaner and leaner. Anyone knows that best power comes at the best A/F ratios, going away from that makes the power drop(tune the A/F ratio).

That is what the computer programming is for, to improve the A/F ratio. The programmer needs to know what airflow changes have been made to the vehicle, including exhaust changes.:salute:

^ I understand that... what I was saying was that, if he has dual, say, 2.5" piping from the headers back and it runs into a dual 2.5" in/out muffler (with dual interior 2.5" straight thru pipe volume) and then dual 2.5" pipes out to the back, then, wouldn't that be pretty much the same as say... running dual 2.5" piping from the headers back into, say, 1 big muffler (one each side) and then each muffler exiting with a 2.5" pipe out the back on each side?

Of course 3"+ back exhaust would be better for a 5.0 but it's pretty tight fit which is why I went with TMHs->dual 2.5" pipe->2.5" dual in/out muffler->2.5" dual pipes out the back (no cats)... Dual 2.5" pipes flow a little better than a single 3" pipe (something like 7" with 3" to 9.8" with dual 2.5" total area).

As for the crossover, in this case, with a dual in/dual out muffler, I thought there was a benefit in scavenging and it helps to pull exhaust gas though the exhaust versus completely separate non crossover dual exhaust?

Then again, I'm no exhaust guru or anything, lol.. I just went with what fit and was better than my destroyed stock system haha.

Oooo and I fully agree with you on the dump pipes off the headers for max flow :D Sadly, my neighbors would stab me lol.

My SVT Focus runs the SVT/cosworth (stock) header into a 3" flex-pipe -> 3" ORP (cat delete) -> 3" back exhaust thru a borla muffler and exits and was insanely loud, had to have another short moroso muffler welded in to quiet it down some...






This was in anticipation of a turbo build eventually (until I went thru an expensive divorce so turbo portion on hold for a bit lol).

Ok Ok.. Thanks for all the input. I'm dead set on the exhaust set up that I'm going to run but I just was wondering how loud a short Maganflow would be verses a longer one. The set up that I'm going with is dual 2.5" pipes off of a set of Torque Monster headers back into dual 3" electrically controled dumps, then into a dual 2.5" in and single 3" out Magnaflow. I know that 3" is the largest that will fit over the axle on an explorer and I don't want to deal with fitting duals on it. I don't want to create a fire hazard with my gas tank and i want to keep my spare tire under the truck.

I'm putting the dumps on for extra fun and maybe some added power at the strip. When it's finally all put together I'll make a few runs with the dumps open and then closed to see if there is any time difference.

Ultimately I don't want this thing to be too loud or droning when I'm going down the highway which is why I was asking about the different length mufflers.

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Looks like this under the Xploder:

