'98 Ford Expedition Turn Signal Switch Connector | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'98 Ford Expedition Turn Signal Switch Connector


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September 2, 2019
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Vidor, TX
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1998 ford expedition
My current problem is with my '98 Expedition, blinkers not working. I've changed out the relays, fuses and the turn signal/windshield/hi-low beam switch. Everything seemed to be going great - until, until I tried to plug the 'turn signal switch connector' (upper plug) most of the pins/wires came out, I broke one trying to put it in some place it didn't wanna go. I went and got a new plug, it came with all the wires and they are gray/white in color - not matching my wires. I went to my Chilton (page 12-6 catalog #26666) and it shows the plug - the terminals are numbered 1-8. My wires are colored - green, green w/white stripe, blue (maybe light blue), white w/ blue stripe, orange w/blue stripe, white w/red stripe, pink (reddish?) w/black stripe and orange w/green (or green w/orange). I've searched most everywhere in the past 5 weeks and I've not found anything that would / could be helpful. I'm needing a color/pin plug location for these wires - thanks Thomas

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I've been fighting a problem with my wipers and found a wiring diagram online that featured all the color codes and wire harnesses for the turn signal switch, headlights, wipers, etc. and for the life of me I can't find the pages I printed out.
I just got online and searched for wiring diagram for '96 Ford Explorer.
Good luck!

I've been fighting a problem with my wipers and found a wiring diagram online that featured all the color codes and wire harnesses for the turn signal switch, headlights, wipers, etc. and for the life of me I can't find the pages I printed out.
I just got online and searched for wiring diagram for '96 Ford Explorer.
Good luck!
all the wiring diagrams I've found show a generic "box" with the wire colors noted... but this plug is in the shape of a "1" w/ 3 at the top (2 to the right a 1 to the left) and 5 at the bottom (3 at the very bottom and 2 just above them)… thinking I may have to go to the junk yard and buy the switch with the plug intact - with about 3-4 inches of wire??? "if" I can find one... I don't know what else - thank you, Thom

On Rock Auto it looks like your connector is the same part # as for this generation of Explorers.

I happened upon a (something, might've been a webpage or already a PDF) for an '03 Sport Trac that has a picture of the back of this connector on the last page. I'll attach it and do a screencap of the pic... not sure if it matches your Expedition wire colors but it beats nothing... maybe. :D

connector back.jpg

2nd pic has wire color initials on it

multifunction lever switch testing pinout.gif

PDF the first pic came from (thanks Steve M!):


  • steering_column_wiring_repair_gen1.pdf
    1.1 MB · Views: 635

this is sooo close... got the actual pin numbers where it plugs in... in place of those generic numbers from Chilton... I guess my orange and their brown is one of the same - LOL...
THANK you J_C & thank Steve M! - this IS a very good start - do have a blessed weekend - Thom

On Rock Auto it looks like your connector is the same part # as for this generation of Explorers.

I happened upon a (something, might've been a webpage or already a PDF) for an '03 Sport Trac that has a picture of the back of this connector on the last page. I'll attach it and do a screencap of the pic... not sure if it matches your Expedition wire colors but it beats nothing... maybe. :D

View attachment 173507

2nd pic has wire color initials on it

View attachment 173508

PDF the first pic came from (thanks Steve M!):

THANK YOU!!! - the plug is the same for the 03 Sport Trac as well as '98 Expedition... colors are sooo close to the same - as mine has (3) to the right on the plug can't make out those numbers on the " terminal location on switch" and the colors don't match... but it is more than I had when I got out of bed this morning - thank you again, I very much appreciate it - 5 out of 8 aint bad... :)

Did this job on my '98 Explorer a few months ago. This plug was used on several SUVs and trucks for a decade, and the wires pulling out is a very common problem. Should have been a recall, as this is clearly a manufacturing defect and safety related (happened to me in the middle of a long trip and I had to use hand signals, but at night they weren't noticed and it scared me to death).
The color photo that J_C provided is very close to my '98 Explorer, and hopefully to your Expedition as well, but the diagram, even though it has the correct circuit number seems a bit strange. Looking at wires in the color photo, I have a couple observations:
* The middle wire on the right is brown/yellow, not red/white
* The bottom wire on the right is light green/white (seems green in the photo)
* The top wire on the left is brown/yellow, not green/orange
* The bottom wire on the left is dark brown/white, not orange/blue

Hope that helps

^ Yes the two pics are not consistent, and I don't know which one is right for a
'98 Expedition if either are, BUT I have now found a different diagram that better matches the first picture from the PDF because it has the LG/O and O/LB wires..


Did this job on my '98 Explorer a few months ago. This plug was used on several SUVs and trucks for a decade, and the wires pulling out is a very common problem. Should have been a recall, as this is clearly a manufacturing defect and safety related (happened to me in the middle of a long trip and I had to use hand signals, but at night they weren't noticed and it scared me to death).
The color photo that J_C provided is very close to my '98 Explorer, and hopefully to your Expedition as well, but the diagram, even though it has the correct circuit number seems a bit strange. Looking at wires in the color photo, I have a couple observations:
* The middle wire on the right is brown/yellow, not red/white
* The bottom wire on the right is light green/white (seems green in the photo)
* The top wire on the left is brown/yellow, not green/orange
* The bottom wire on the left is dark brown/white, not orange/blue

Hope that helps
Thank you, but there seems to be some color differences in the '98 Explorer and '98 Expedition, there is no brown/yellow nor brown/white on the Expedition, must of been in a different shop - LOL, thanks anyway - do hope you have a great weekend. Thom

^ Yes the two pics are not consistent, and I don't know which one is right for a
'98 Expedition if either are, BUT I have now found a different diagram that better matches the first picture from the PDF because it has the LG/O and O/LB wires..

View attachment 173518
^ Yes the two pics are not consistent, and I don't know which one is right for a
'98 Expedition if either are, BUT I have now found a different diagram that better matches the first picture from the PDF because it has the LG/O and O/LB wires..

View attachment 173518
this is perfect, but I do have an extra terminal and wire. Between 9 & 5 - I have a terminal on my new and old switch and I do have an extra wire - the wire is pinkish/red with a black stipe, sooo - there isn't but one place for it to go... J_C - I do appreciate you and this forum... inspection goes out at the end of this month... PERFECT... :)
