Superlift 5.5 install $@*&#!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Superlift 5.5 install $@*&#!!


Explorer Addict
March 16, 2000
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City, State
Pleasant Hill, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 4 dr. EB
I read all the posts and got all the info. But DAMN when people said the grinding of the rivets was the hardest part they weren't kidding. So far (four hours) I've gotten ONE off the driver's side. Anybody have any secrets or methods besides a torch? Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Cut slots in an X pattern, and then you can chisel the head off easily.

That sounds good. Do you apply the chisel as a wedge against the fram to get the head to break off? Or do you go staigh at it hoping to split the head off?

Place the chisel head against the base of them, and the 4 parts pops right off.

You then have to pound the rest of the rivet out.

you should have done it like i did, take it to a shop, have them cut them out and replace them with bolts. its not that i couldnt do it myself, i just had little time to install the lift(had to spend time with the woman)it took off probably a half day taking it there and it only costs like 50 bucks(best money i've ever spent)just my 2cents

You can also drill them out. Start with a small bit then gradually increase the size. Not that hard but time consuming. Careful on the drivers side, that's where the fuel lines are!
Good luck!

Originally posted by Van I.
You can also drill them out. Start with a small bit then gradually increase the size. Not that hard but time consuming. Careful on the drivers side, that's where the fuel lines are!
Good luck!

yeah...this worked best for me. i had a junk cricular saw with a metal cutting blade on it that i used to take the heads off. Then i used a bit just smaller than the shaft of the rivot, and drilled in about 1/4-1/8", put a punch about that diameter in the hole, and knocked it out. worked pretty well. other wise...try banging your head on them...thats what i was doing before i tried the drill. :D

if your really good with a torch you can use that.... or sharpen up an air chisel works well also... but be carefuly with the torch to not burn anything not susposed to be torched..... i use the torch grinder and chisel.... took about hour ...... or so.

Thanks for all the help. I did a combination of all these suggestions, except taking it to have it done of course. I was surprised by how hard bolting the extended radius arms to the TTB turned out to be. I hadn't read anything about that being difficult. The front is almost done. But now I have another question. What is this thing in the picture? (Not my hand silly.) I got two of them in my kit and I can't figure out what I'm supposed to do with them. Do they go on the new radius arms? Help.


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tdavis i love your avatar!

Zensius - not sure what that is. did it come with the superlift kit, or the TTB bushings?

ps. I live near you (Pinole), and if you want, PM me, and I can stop by and check it out/help some. I have installed this kit before.

RoadEnforcer - yea, that's the Navajo as a solid axle d44 front end. It's gone now..

looks like a ttb bushing..... but it also looks steal.... could it possibly sit where the radius arms meet the ttb?

It's actually a hard rubber. And I don't remember which box it came out of. All I got was the 5.5 kit and extend raduis kit. It's part number doesn't match anything on my parts list. It's MO3206. It does fit perfectly over the end of the extened radius arm end bracket but I can't see what it's pupose would be there. Tdavis the truck is in Walnut Creek if you're up for coming by. But if I can figure this thing out I be home free.

i think that sould go and take the place of the rubber on the back side of your radius arms then.

Okay, so another day has passed. Things were accomplished, problems solved. Thanks guys. But I've got a few more...What's with the front sway bar mount? I was given some crazy bracket that is suppoed to move the bar behind the front axle pointing rearward. This looks weird. Is this what everybody else is doing? Also where does the little gold thing for extending the parking brake line go? I didn't get any instructions with my rear kit that were relevant. (They were for blocks or add-a-leaf.) Thanks again. Especially to Tom.

i know you cant really tell but does your sway bar bracket look like mine?
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Hard to tell really. I think so. But I didn't get blocks like it looks you have. Did you make those yourself? What's with superlifts' instructions telling me to mount the sway behind the axle? It would certainly get in the way of the front driveshaft.

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thats the pictuer

Thanks Digger, it finally came up for me. Here's the page and picture from my instruciotns that is confusing me.


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Superlift's believes some Explorers have the sway bar in the rear of the front axle, instead of in front of the front axle.

They was supposed to give you some funky angle blocks to drop the front sway bar down so you can re-use it. Personally, I took the links off, and had them cut apart and extended, so I could leave the sway bar in the stock position. I also pinned it, so it can easily be removed for off-roading.

The rear sway bar I just lost - it really didn't make difference for me.
