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Peeling Window Switches

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My 2020 limited had that issue too, dealership fixed it.

Check your indoor handles as well, I had one peel.

My 2020 limited had that issue too, dealership fixed it.

Check your indoor handles as well, I had one peel.
I'm pretty sure he is referring to the inner door handle.

I'm pretty sure he is referring to the inner door handle.
That is what the 2nd part of my message was referring to. The inside handle you pull on to exit the Vehicule.

I had mine replaced for that in my 2020. They became sharp and were painful to use.

Truck/SUV is ready already! Dropped it off yesterday, pickin her up today! They loaned me a '22 ST of course to try to get me to bite into that lush ST lifestyle....Not gonna happen though...It's niceeeeee tho..

Truck/SUV is ready already! Dropped it off yesterday, pickin her up today! They loaned me a '22 ST of course to try to get me to bite into that lush ST lifestyle....Not gonna happen though...It's niceeeeee tho..
And fasteeee!

And fasteeee!
The faster one! It was fun..


Boy am I happy I just crane across this forum. I JUST purchased a CPO 2021 limited and felt something rather sharp when I arrived home, sure enough same thing. Not what you want to see within 4 hours of owning it! (We had a three hour drive to dealer)

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Boy am I happy I just crane across this forum. I JUST purchased a CPO 2021 limited and felt something rather sharp when I arrived home, sure enough same thing. Not what you want to see within 4 hours of owning it! (We had a three hour drive to dealer)
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:


^^ wow

My '21 w/10,500 miles now has this on the drivers door switch. I just ordered the part thru Tasca using Fordpass points. I know it's under warranty but for this, 2 trips to dealer to get done isn't worth my time. I can replace in less than 5 minutes and really no expense.

Just noticed the drivers switch on my 2020 with 13,000 miles starting to peel. Been to cold to check the others. Will be calling my dealer next week about it.

We had the same problem on our 2020 Platinum. The dealer replaced the switch under warranty.
