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Stuck Rubicons


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Dejello showing the Rubicons how it's done


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The Non-Beliver's


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Wannabetrckmagic found the water slide and the Submarine Captian trying it out!


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Well there you have it.

The End of all my pics.

Originally posted by SVO
Well there you have it.

The End of all my pics.

Only 82? This thread will be mighty slow for dialup users LOL

Originally posted by Crankcase
Only 82? This thread will be mighty slow for dialup users LOL

We took 143 pics and a lil video before the battery died, but some were duplicates and others plain stupid, and some illrelivent ones too, so I guess you call it the editor's choice pics then.

And well sorry for the DU user's but I have DU at work, so if I really want to see them I just wait like they do, some times it's worth the wait though.

Though I know it's a lot of pics, I myself love it when the other people come back from there trips and post thier's it's really nice to see other people's play grounds and what they do when they go wheeling, so I like to share, plus other's that didn't bring camera's can copy them, or other's that just want to share with other people/fourums can copy them and use them elsewhere.

Hell I'm just a picture *****, you should see my 35mm collection of photos that I have taken, before I went mainly digital.

Pictures are worth a 1000 words, I guess I have a lot to say then lol!

Man I love seeing all those pictures. I already want to go back. I wonder where the Demon4x4 guys are? We need to get something in stone for Gilmer again.

Pics turned out great!

It was nice meeting you guys.....other that busting my hip on the rocks I had a BLAST!! :D

I'm really goin to miss that place. :(

It kinda sucks that I was the only girl.......for some reason that seems to always happen!

Maybe more will be at the next one we go to!:cool:

Hey Nuckin Futs great pics! I had a great time this weekend and it was a pleasure to meet you all. Looking forward to another run soon. It's too bad for all the others that missed out on this trip, it was well worth it. Jeff, I'm working on getting my pics developed and as soon as I do I'll have brian fedex them to you. Just PM me or Brian with your address.

Brad. Did you drop them off at Eckerds this morning? There is one at Campbell and Nantucket. You could have had them by lunch time.
I also said to leave them w/ me last night and I would have paid for them. Let me know

Hey SVO see ya got my roof rack put on, looks good. Well sorry I couldn't make it, we'll do a run soon together. By the way did you get that limited slip diff put in the front before the trip?

Originally posted by Msupertek
Hey SVO see ya got my roof rack put on, looks good. Well sorry I couldn't make it, we'll do a run soon together. By the way did you get that limited slip diff put in the front before the trip?

Yes I did get the LSD put in before the trip, and without that I couldn't do half the stuff I was doing, including pulling TRCKMAGIC out of the sand a few times.
It worked AWSOME! :D

Thank You!

Looks like a real blast! Good to see folks enjoying their Exs.

I see a new avitar in SVOs future. :D

Originally posted by DarkMan

Oh, and SVO, let me know how that carpet cleaning idea works out. My carpet is pretty nasty. I never thought of just giving it a good soak in a river. :p

It works better if you pull it out and hang it from the forklift and pressure wash it!

BTW the CB still works! Radio Shack RULES!

Not sure about the Bazooka sub though.

I see 2000 Cougar XR7 seats in my future.


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Yeah, I have a full Detroit Locker in the rear w/ a locker up front also (running 5.13 gears) and that hole I fell into really got me. How come no one else wanted to try that route? :rolleyes:
