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Solved Explorer Towing Capacities

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This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!


  • Capacities 1997.jpg
    Capacities 1997.jpg
    66.2 KB · Views: 33,838

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Explorer Towing Capacites

This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!


  • Capacities 1998.jpg
    Capacities 1998.jpg
    73.5 KB · Views: 39,491

1999 Explorer Towing Capacites

This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!


  • Capacities 1999.jpg
    Capacities 1999.jpg
    75.1 KB · Views: 31,274

2000 Explorer Towing Capacites

This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!


  • Capacities 2000.jpg
    Capacities 2000.jpg
    86.2 KB · Views: 31,114

2001 Explorer Towing Capacites

This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!


  • Capacities 2001.jpg
    Capacities 2001.jpg
    45.6 KB · Views: 30,870

Does anyone have these charts for first gen explorers?

does this include the vehicle weight? or just payload weight?

This is your max towing capacity. Meaning all cargo, passengers and weight of trailer and contents included. Don't think you can load up with stuff in the truck and still tow this amount of weight on a trailer!

does this include the vehicle weight? or just payload weight?

This is the payload weight- it does not include the weight of your vehicle, that would be the gross combined vehicle weight.

I hope these numbers are similar to a 2004 ford explorer sport trac adrenalin package.

I hope these numbers are similar to a 2004 ford explorer sport trac adrenalin package.

They should be close, pay attention to gear ratios especially. I'd recommend that you check your owners manual before you proceed.

I see that you have made this chart as simple as possible to follow, but please forgive me!
My husband drives a 4 door 1999 Ford Explorer (Eddie Bauer if that makes any difference) and we currently tow a Coleman PUP. I would really enjoy getting a travel trailer but of course safety comes first. We are looking at a 1999 prowler - 26 feet, the listed weight is 4270. Is this pushing it? We just put in a new transmission this spring and it does have a cooler. Any advice will be gladly accepted!

I see that you have made this chart as simple as possible to follow, but please forgive me!
My husband drives a 4 door 1999 Ford Explorer (Eddie Bauer if that makes any difference) and we currently tow a Coleman PUP. I would really enjoy getting a travel trailer but of course safety comes first. We are looking at a 1999 prowler - 26 feet, the listed weight is 4270. Is this pushing it? We just put in a new transmission this spring and it does have a cooler. Any advice will be gladly accepted!

what engine you have (4.0 or 5.0) and what is your gear ratio?

after you figure these then it should be easy to trace your towing capacities of your explorer from the charts that MountaineerGreen posted.

towing car

I have a 2001 mountaineer AWD with 5.0 with 3.73 and tow package and would like to know if I could tow my 95 mustang on a 18 ft open trailer. car weighs guessing around 31 or 3200 lbs.I was already going to use a weight dist hitch and have class 3 on already. trailer will be around 2000lbs. would I have to use air bags for sagging.and will motor be struggling.

I pull an 1800 pound car trailer with my 5000 pound lifted Explorer on it's back on a regular basis with my 2001 Limited with a 5.0, 3.73 gears, and factory air-ride with no problems. Never felt unsafe on the highway ever. Trailer brakes are a must though.

Towing Capacity MAXED!

A few years ago I was going to tow a 1997 XLT Sport. No big deal under normal circumstances, right? I was going to tow it with my 1992 XLT Sport with a clutch and a 4.0. I live in southeast Michigan and was going to upstate New York in the Allegeney mountains to get the 97. There was no 2 wheel dolly to tow with when I got there only a 4 wheel car hauler at U-Haul. I did not have a choice. I ended up towing the whole thing back to Michigan with no problem. But, I would never do it again! I do not recommend anyone to do what I did. Total weight of the tow (trailer and 97 XLT) was approx. 7000 lbs. give or take 200-300 lbs. The point of this is to simply say that Explorers are tough vehicles and can take a lot. I was doing a lot of praying, thank God! I still have the 92 and the 97 but I am selling the 92 to a friend who wants it real bad and I just got a 99 XLT on Friday with 86,000 miles on it (1 owner).

PS- The 92 has 230,000 miles on it and runs like a bat out of heck. Good truck! Faithful truck!

Towbar Towing question

Hey all, I am new to this section and I wanted to know if anyone has used a towbar to tow a car behind a Ford explorer? I am moving my girlfriend back to Seattle from Los Angeles and I have a 2002 Ford Explorer XLS with the 3.55 gear. My girlfriends car is an 1993 Acura Integra. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!:salute:

Hey all, I am new to this section and I wanted to know if anyone has used a towbar to tow a car behind a Ford explorer? I am moving my girlfriend back to Seattle from Los Angeles and I have a 2002 Ford Explorer XLS with the 3.55 gear. My girlfriends car is an 1993 Acura Integra. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!:salute:
All depends on your receiver, motor size and Acura weight.

My explorer has a 4.0L SOHC with a 1 and 1/4 inch reciever with a class 2 hitch. The curb wieght of the acura is 2500 lbs

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Seattle Tow

You should have no problems at all. See my post above if you need assurance. The towing ability of your Explorer is more than able to handle a humble 2500 lbs. Something to watch for is if the car being towed is an automatic. If it is, and is a front wheel drive, you will need a 2 wheel car dolly to tow it with. If you do not choose to use this setup you will screw up the automatic trans since they do not like being towed. Have fun.
