4.0 OHV to 5.0 V8 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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4.0 OHV to 5.0 V8


Explorer Addict
February 22, 2008
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City, State
Phoenix...Greatest City on Earth
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 EB & 1999 EB 5.0
Hello to everyone. I hope I have this thread in the proper location.

I've been lurking around these parts for a while and taking advantage of all the knowledge base here. I finally stepped up and joined not too long ago. I've been a Ford guy all my life...and my mom owned a Ford dealership for many years until she retired and I decided to pursue something different with my life. I wonder about that decision sometimes...

Anyway, I picked up a well used 1995 EB 4X4 with a 4.0 OHV in it. That will just not do. The reason I picked this one up is it was dirt cheap, and is in outstanding condition. 160,000 on the clock and you can eat off the bottom of this thing. You gotta love Arizona... Interior is really good, drives nice, etc. A great place to start...and that's my whole intention of buying it. It's a project. But as you can see by my name, I'm used to just a bit more performance than I have with this thing right now. So here comes the swap. Now, I've done several swaps in my life. Both Ford and GM (mods...please excuse my language and I'll do my best to clean that up in the future) All my conversions have been successful. However, this one is a bit different. I will be going from EEC-IV (OBD-I) to EEC-V (OBD-II). Furthermore, since I live in Arizona, this absolutely needs to be a 100% legal swap. To make it legal, it has to be offered from the factory and EVERYTHING has to be swapped (emissions wise). You can go UP in years, you just can't go down. In otherwords, I can go to a newer calibration than 95. Which is a no brainer since the 5.0 didn't come out until 96. So I'm going to locate and purchase a donor vehicle. Here's where my questions start. I'm not sure what year is the best to go with. I'm thinking a 96 would be the easiest because it's the closest to what I have. But is that true? I also know I'm going to have some interface issues to deal with. For example, the Message Center has a separate wire used for 5.0's. Will I need a 5.0 Message Center? Will the V6 tach work? Or will I need a V8 tach? Maybe just a V8 printed circuit for the cluster? When does PATS get involved? (I should know that one...) Questions, questions...

My goal is somewhere around 280 to 300 hp at the wheels. That should be like falling off a log. A set of AFR 165 or 180 heads, slight cam improvement, headers and exhaust, should get you real close and have impeccable street manners. I don't care what anyone says...AFR makes the best cylinder head for street use there is. Period. I've tried most of them, and they always come out on top. TFS heads are very good, but I've encountered some detonation problems I don't get with AFR's. Plus I don't have to worry about notching the pistons with AFR's. I see where Torque Monster headers now have a CARB #!! That's huge!! I hear good things about them. When I looked at them, I was a bit disappointed. But numbers don't lie. A tune wouldn't be necessary with what I have planned, but adjusting the timing on these engines nets huge improvements. I can do that with or without a tune.

Anyway, thanks for listening and I would appreciate any feedback or comments you may have. Great place you guys have here!

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SOunds like a good plan... I would imagine it would be a fairly easy swap. youll probly need the 5.0's wiring harnes and computer. Id go with a 97.5 and up 5.0. external ERG tubeand better heads, but if your replacing the heads, i dont thinhk it really matters so any 5.0 will do... As far as the tac goes i also would imagine that would swap over too.. Good luck!

In your situation, I would go with a 96 or 97 Ex 5.0 and peripherals. That way you keep a return-type fuel system like your 95 and there is no PATS to deal with.

The V6 tach is the same part as the V8 tach. Just repin one wire at a cluster harness connector and it will read correctly.

The Message Center shouldn't be much of a problem. I don't believe there is any difference between the actual MC for 95~97. If there is a pin or harness difference here or there, that should be easy to fix.

I highly recommend getting the factory EVTM wiring manuals for both your 95 and the year of the V8 donor. EVTM's are easy to find used on eBay for around 10~15 each.

In your situation, I would go with a 96 or 97 Ex 5.0 and peripherals. That way you keep a return-type fuel system like your 95 and there is no PATS to deal with.

The V6 tach is the same part as the V8 tach. Just repin one wire at a cluster harness connector and it will read correctly.

The Message Center shouldn't be much of a problem. I don't believe there is any difference between the actual MC for 95~97. If there is a pin or harness difference here or there, that should be easy to fix.

I highly recommend getting the factory EVTM wiring manuals for both your 95 and the year of the V8 donor. EVTM's are easy to find used on eBay for around 10~15 each.

a '98 with p heads-return fuel system and PATS turned off with SCT tuning from


he's a site vendor.

Thank you for all the advice and comments. I am fortunate...I have a ton of F/L/M manuals here. One of the benefits when your family owned a F/L/M dealership.

I forgot PATS could be dealt with by using an SCT tuner. I should have known better. There stuff is very good in our Cobras. But I can't have a return fuel system on a power train that is calibrated for returnless. Won't pass the smog cops here. Of course, I would be amazed if they could catch something like that.

jtsmith...thank you for the link for the engine for sale. But I'm going to buy a donor vehicle. That way I have EVERYTHING. Since I have to have all the vacuum cans, lines, etc., with a donor, I have it all. If the fuel lines are a bit different, I can use the right ones. If the fuel pump is different, I have it. etc, etc.

Oh yes...one question. If I do stay with the later P heads, will torque monster headers fit those heads/plug location?

Thank you for the info on the tach rwenzing! I am going to look at my wiring diagrams and see if I can figure that out real quick. I'll also do a search here.

oh yes...one question. If I do go with a later P head, will torque monster headers work with that head/plug location?

Yea, the torque monsters we made for both the p and non p heads. atlest thats what iveread

oh yes...one question. If I do go with a later P head, will torque monster headers work with that head/plug location?

just be sure to order the correct configuration.

Thank you for the info on the tach rwenzing! I am going to look at my wiring diagrams and see if I can figure that out real quick. I'll also do a search here.
I can save you some research.

On the back of the cluster are 3 connectors, 10-, 12- and 16-pin. Look at the short 10-pin and you will see a black/yellow ground wire in pin position #8. Now look at the 16-pin and you will see an empty slot in position #16. Release the black/yellow ground wire from the 10-pin and move it to the #16 slot of the 16-pin. That's all it takes to convert your V6 truck to read V8 RPM.

so i am going to dug a old thread up here. can anyone tell me what wires i have to move in a 98 that had a 4L SOHC, and now has a 98 5L??? the tach is way out and drives me nuts.
