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My quest for 30 MPG - Ford Explorer Gas Mileage Tips

Al what areas in these tunes did you address?


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Al what areas in these tunes did you address?


Some of the changes are listed below:

Changed the time delay to go open loop.
Upped the EGR flow quite a lot.
The open loop throttle position was raised.
The idel was lowered.
The basic fuel table was modified significiently.

and some other tricks :)

See I want to learn how to do that someday. Damn, now I want a Xcal even more now, lol.

Maybe if i bribe james enough he'll teach me some tricks, :p.

Its takes more than an XCal; you need Advantage III software to make the tunes.

See I want to learn how to do that someday. Damn, now I want a Xcal even more now, lol.

Maybe if i bribe james enough he'll teach me some tricks, :p.

That would be like the nip tuck guys showing you how to do a boob job.

That would be like the nip tuck guys showing you how to do a boob job.

*****!!! Where?


Al, Understood, isn't that free for download anyways or do you have to pay for it? I though I remember reading that it was free download, maybe not.

Edit: NM, Found the software runs ya another $350

Thanks Al, I have the Pro Racer software as well, great program -- thanks for the recommendation.

Regarding the changes to the fuel table what areas did you focus your changes on?


Wow man, it seems you are now on a quest for 40!

The only way I'm gonna get 30 mpg is to be towed somewhere!!! I just did a round trip to Philly (330 miles) and averaged 16.5mpg. All except about 25 miles was highway mileage at 75-80mph (I stayed with traffic). The best I have EVER done was when the truck was brand new and had no modifications to it whatsoever, and that was about 20mpg. The only comfort I can take is that we have a gas war going on in town between Wal-Mart and Sheetz, and right now I'm only paying .77/gal :D


Do you have a priority list of your enhancements and the increase in MPG they gave

I have been an avid reader of your quest. You are now so well documented and published that I am having difficulty finding a summary of your mods and associated performance increases.

I have a 98 Explorer with 105,000 miles and it runs great. I like to tinker and would love a boost in mileage. I dont have a need for speed any longer.

I have read much of what you have written but can not find a summary of your current "Enhancements" with the mileage boost they gave.

So my question to you is "Given a stock car, what changes, in what sequence would you do and what gain would you anticipate from each". From this I can find your posts to read the details of the change.

I seem to find that the e-fan and underdrive/overdrive changes appear high on the list.

Thanks for your effort. Its always good reading. One day the car companies may hire engineers that think like you and they will start producing high mileage vehicles.



I have been an avid reader of your quest. You are now so well documented and published that I am having difficulty finding a summary of your mods and associated performance increases.

I have a 98 Explorer with 105,000 miles and it runs great. I like to tinker and would love a boost in mileage. I dont have a need for speed any longer.

I have read much of what you have written but can not find a summary of your current "Enhancements" with the mileage boost they gave.

So my question to you is "Given a stock car, what changes, in what sequence would you do and what gain would you anticipate from each". From this I can find your posts to read the details of the change.

I seem to find that the e-fan and underdrive/overdrive changes appear high on the list.

Thanks for your effort. Its always good reading. One day the car companies may hire engineers that think like you and they will start producing high mileage vehicles.




Maybe updating the first post with a date and best configuration from stock to highly modified.

For instance, have today's date with the best configuration and it's order the components should be installed in. If this configuration changes tomorrow, replace this portion of the first post with a new date and configuration setup.

This way the first post doesn't get cluttered and readers don't need to 'skim' thru 76 pages of information from configurations which have been antiquated by newer ones and questions like the last two posts do not keep cropping up throwing the thread off.

I have been an avid reader of your quest. You are now so well documented and published that I am having difficulty finding a summary of your mods and associated performance increases.

I really don't have a summary per say. The thread is a log of what I have done to the truck and why.

A current list of my mods is at

I have read much of what you have written but can not find a summary of your current "Enhancements" with the mileage boost they gave.

To track mileage for each mod, I would have to return the truck to stock prior to adding the mod. I have no plans to do that.

Mileage improvement depends on the combination of mods. Synergism plays a major role.

So my question to you is "Given a stock car, what changes, in what sequence would you do and what gain would you anticipate from each". From this I can find your posts to read the details of the change.

If I were starting from scratch now, I would start with the following mods:

(1) underdrive pulleys
(2) electric fan
(3) full synthetic fluids everywhere
(4) synthetic wheel bearing grease
(5) free flowing air intake ( such as a Mac )
(6) custom cat back exhaust with 2 1/2" piping
(7) custom computer tune designed for max mileage

That should get you going.

Good luck with your quest, my friend ...

Thanks for you hardwork.
You will be a hard act to follow.
But it will be fun.

Mileage data ....

Due to a recent starting problem ( ) I had to restore my ECM to the stock tune for the trip to Ford.

Having driven the truck yesterday and a road trip today with the stock tune, a few observations are merited.

The truck shifts gears like a '53 Buick. the acceleration is sluggish and it just not fun to drive plus the idle is rough. But, the real kick in the ass is the gas mileage. I got 28 MPG on a run to Ft Myers today.

Yikes, thats compared to the 32 + MPG I got last weekend with a custom mileage tune.

Yes indeed I flashed the ECM with my custom mileage tune.

HHO is coming ...

After considerable research into HHO, I have decided to give it a go.

A kit has been ordered and will be installed very soon.

Very interesting, Al. Can't wait to see the results...

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HHO is coming ...

After considerable research into HHO, I have decided to give it a go.

A kit has been ordered and will be installed very soon.

Whaaaaaa???????? haha Whats HHO?
