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DynoMax Exhaust

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It is pretty easy to install. The difficult part is removing the stock system. If you drop the right rear shock it makes it easier to remove the stock system. It is not much louder than the stock exhaust except in two instances. (1) When you step on it you definitely hear the exhaust; and (2) at about 1,800 RPMs I get a noticable drone inside the vehicle. It was annoying at first but I got used to it.

It is pretty easy to install. The difficult part is removing the stock system. If you drop the right rear shock it makes it easier to remove the stock system. It is not much louder than the stock exhaust except in two instances. (1) When you step on it you definitely hear the exhaust; and (2) at about 1,800 RPMs I get a noticable drone inside the vehicle. It was annoying at first but I got used to it.

Any sound clips my good man?

It is pretty easy to install. The difficult part is removing the stock system. If you drop the right rear shock it makes it easier to remove the stock system. It is not much louder than the stock exhaust except in two instances. (1) When you step on it you definitely hear the exhaust; and (2) at about 1,800 RPMs I get a noticable drone inside the vehicle. It was annoying at first but I got used to it.

I just had a shop weld in the muff. I don't think it's at all loud throughout the RPM range. I was looking for a quiet performer and I was told this was what I needed. In fact, some of the noise I hear during WOT comes from the K&N FIPK. The muffler with stock tubing definitely has a deep sound.

The super turbo muffler is a good compliment to the 4.0L OHV. Dynomax makes a great system, and if you get the whole cat back, it bolts right on, no problem, no welding needed. Defintely the way to go if you want a deep but mild exhaust sound just a little throatier than stock, and at a nice price. If you want a loud exhaust, look elsewhere.

Another plus is the lifetime muffler warranty. They do eventually rust through, but save the receipt for a new muffler whenever it happens.

I have the Dinomax super turbo muffler and I always get complemented on it. Sounds great with the 4.0. Its not too loud but it definitely has some balls to it.

FRODER- ^^^thats a awesome clip!!!

can i get one for a 2000 SOHC? if so where?


Any muffler shop should have the it, or be able to get it. I've always just bought the muffler and then had a shop bend the pipes to fit. I've never bought a "kit" for any of my cars.

Ive had the dynomax catback system on for about a year now, and its quieter than the factory exhaust I took off the truck. Granted the factory exhaust has a small hole in the front but was still not close to being loud.

My favorite thing about the exhaust though is that fact that I have to strain to hear it inside the truck, but my GF says she can hear me coming down here street. Thats the perfect combo if you ask me
