Explorer Sandwich :( (Pics/Vid) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Sandwich :( (Pics/Vid)

So near rushhour tonight i was in traffic...I heard someone honk then the van infront of me hit his brakes...I hit my brakes then got rear ended by a black SUV and I was pushed so hard I slam'ed into the astro van infront of me...My neck hurts some but the girls that were with me are ok...Heres the pics and the vids will be uploaded soon...I may go to the ER tonight due to my other head trama from back in march when I was in a coma from a bad wreck...

Right afterword

Getting across traffic after







Also...The roads were wet yes...Ice no...It was 48d outside...
I have the police record and it states that it was 50 out side...

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Wow thats not as bad as i thought.

Glad you all are doing ok


You know this really makes me upset, when you have a accident, pull over to the side and exchange info, don't do it in the middle of the dam road! :rant:

This puts you and others in danger

Ok I'm ok now

I like the gas prices.

Photos of license plates for other vehicles are a liability

Those photos of the license plates of the other vehicles need to be blacked out.. They should be removed until the lic plates are blacked out...

Those photos of the license plates of the other vehicles need to be blacked out.. They should be removed until the lic plates are blacked out...

Right behind you Donner :hammer:

Believe it!

I would ask a mod to remove the pics or black out the plates, please!

Why? Plates are made to be seen...You see them in traffic all day long...Its no different then seeing pictures of cars at a car show? Or in a parking lots...At schools...Or where ever...

Its not a huge deal...IMO


You know this really makes me upset, when you have a accident, pull over to the side and exchange info, don't do it in the middle of the dam road! :rant:

This puts you and others in danger

Ok I'm ok now

The police on the phone said to take the pictures...Then get off the road...I took the pictures...Then got off the road...

Internet Safety My Friend.

Why? plates are made to be seen..You see them in traffic all day long...

We did what the police said to do...We took pictures before moving them off the road to show what happened...

A lot of people on the net' aren't as friendly as Donner or I, Many will stalk you to your house.. and maybe even do unmentionable things. No joke. seen it done.:eek:

danny did ur hids get damaged or ur bumper lights or are they still working

danny did ur hids get damaged or ur bumper lights or are they still working

Every thing is fine thank god! Haha but the girls s**t was F**ked up... One of her, projector HIDs was out! The housing was cracked...Parts of her bumper were left on the road...

So what better? Her Mersaidies(s/p) or my Explorer?

The police on the phone said to take the pictures...Then get off the road...I took the pictures...Then got off the road...

Sorry, I'm just tired of people blocking the highway, when there cars are perfectly capable of moving to the side. But I live in LA, so it's the norm here. Glad everyone was Ok.

Every thing is fine thank god! Haha but the girls s**t was F**ked up... One of her, projector HIDs was out! The housing was cracked...Parts of her bumper were left on the road...

So what better? Her Mersaidies(s/p) or my Explorer?

Mercedes :)

Glad to hear your Splorer' turned out ok. Mercedes are overpriced chocolate. Very very sweet. But sad when they are gone. And, They make you lazy. (not to mention fat.)

Sucks to hear bout your X, it doesn't look to bad though and at least you're not seriously injured.

I like the gas prices.

Out by me its like 3.18 or so for regular i went cruisin sunday night and wound up like 15-20 miles south of me...2.8x for regular :confused:

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