01 sport track oil filter adapter leak | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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01 sport track oil filter adapter leak

Its pouring out pretty good. I had a repair sleeve rear main seal put in and I'm wondering if he didn't put the sleeve in. I can see dripping clean colored oil at the base of the pan. You answered one of my other questions about using rtv black over the boring on the adapter mount too lol. I have new old stock borings for the bolt coming so I will probably open it back up and replace them 1 last time

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Its pouring out pretty good. I had a repair sleeve rear main seal put in and I'm wondering if he didn't put the sleeve in. I can see dripping clean colored oil at the base of the pan. You answered one of my other questions about using rtv black over the boring on the adapter mount too lol. I have new old stock borings for the bolt coming so I will probably open it back up and replace them 1 last time

I like the non sleeve style until the sleeve is needed
Rarely are there deep enough grooves in the crank to warrant the repair sleeve seal
trans has to come out or engine
I can pull the trans more quickly and it is a good opportunity to do a full service, so often I will just pull the trans to replace rear main
I dont even drop it I just pull it back far enough to get good access

My buddy has a lift and its a 2wd so its not bad but I've been trying not to pull it. I'm thinking ha may not have installed the repair sleeve and its weaping through the gap between the seal and crank. As a matter of fact he just text me back and said he didndnt install it

Well mystery solved no repair sleeve installed with repair sleeve seal = huge leak.

What a A hole

I just put one in not long ago it was a ***** but I got it. I don't have time to mess around with this one I ordered the rear main install tool.
