02 mounty on 33 *pics* | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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02 mounty on 33 *pics*


Well-Known Member
January 21, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Baton Rouge
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 4.0
heres a thread with some pics of my mounty on 33's





and heres a pic of the stance im trying for..i just gotta figure how much lift in the front its gonna take exactly to get the right angle and hieght ..

compared to now

im also thinking about getting some stock explorer tube side steps to go on in place of my other steps

also road bully if you think you can guess to what size spacers it'd take it'd be much appreciated

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Haha me too..for some reason the first pics make it look longer than it is but oh well

they look awesome,,
one of the finest 3rd gens , and with the spacers it will be even better,,

hey man ive got an 05 with 3in front and 2.5 back. it sits pretty much level.
Ive got the BL in the back of my x (still have to install it, proly spring time cause its too cold) so im pretty sure if you go 3/2.5 spacers with the 3in BL it will look huge and pretty level.

Are you running wheel spacers at all?

that mounty looks sweet, did you have to do alot of cutting out of the plastics under the wheel wells?

By the pics you posted, and what you want it to look like, I'd say 2" front, 1.5" rear. :thumbsup:
Although I do think bigger is better personally. :D

Looks good. As far as finding spacer size, jack it up the way you had it (the way you want it) and take some measurements...then compare them to the same measurements with the vehicle sitting normal. That should give you a really good idea of what you need, although, I'm with RB on this one...Bigger is Better.

that mounty looks sweet, did you have to do alot of cutting out of the plastics under the wheel wells?

not really i just had to trim the back side (behind the wheel) in about 1/2 an inch but it looks normal

it was just some fiberglass from where the fender mounts to the actual body ..
nothing i trimmed was really crucial..i also took a littttle bit off the front bumper just as a precaution but i can go a full turn without any rub now.

By the pics you posted, and what you want it to look like, I'd say 2" front, 1.5" rear.
Although I do think bigger is better personally.
i know and ill probably end up going 2.5 and 2...i just really like having the wheel wells so full...and im scared im gonna think my tires look small again haha

and im also debating on hitting up jutgin for some measurements on his roof rack..i'm thinking that might make her look pretty good too

you are my hero; looking sick

i know and ill probably end up going 2.5 and 2...i just really like having the wheel wells so full...and im scared im gonna think my tires look small again haha

That'd work.
Just fire me a message when you're thinking of moving forward with it. :thumbsup:


haha its just the whole 900$ tires setting me off a bit :rolleyes:

still working those off (my dad payed for half..) so once thats said and done spacers should be next

then i cant decide now if i want stock xls tube running boards ..
or aftermarket nerf bars.. i know the stock xls tubes wont rub on my tires..(my mounty boards do)

but im unsure if aftermarket nerfs will rub or not

looks sick man im jealous. i cant wait to get my bl on.

looks nice keep up the good work

Eww @ the tailpipe, all else is sweet, I'd go 2" all round

and im also debating on hitting up jutgin for some measurements on his roof rack..i'm thinking that might make her look pretty good too

It's 5' x 4' and about 6" tall. Just bought some steel and welded it myself. Cost about 50 bucks with the spray paint. When I had it on my sport trac I had lights on it and it looked much better.
