07 radiator leaking....bars leak? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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07 radiator leaking....bars leak?


June 20, 2007
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North Carolina
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I have an 07' with 40k on it. The other day I noticed a puddle of coolant underneath and found a spot of the rear side of the radiator from near the top of the coolant fins all the way down to the bottom. It does not appear to be where everyone is having problems. My question is can I used a sealant to seal this up? I am thinking like bars leak or some other kind....does anyone have any suggestions? I spoke with ford and the will pay a percentage of the fix but I dont know how much it will cost yet.

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If it were me, I'd honestly probably just shell out the money and have Ford fix it, I haven't really heard of those sealants lasting or helping for that matter lol

I think I will go that route, I justed wanted to see if it would work or not. I will keep the car for a few more years so I dont want suprises down the road with it. Thanks for your reply

No prob man, Ive read a few stories about. Those magic "sealants" and goops that either make it worse or only last a few days lol so might as well just get it repaired the right way (or replaces probably) :thumbsup:

Never use those "stop leak" products to fix coolant leaks. While they may work for a short period of time, they are not a permanent fix, however can be permanent inside the coolant passages of the engine. That will cause you much larger problems down the road.
