1987 3.0L Aerostar engine project. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1987 3.0L Aerostar engine project.


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
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City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
I have a question about my 1987 Aerostar. Yes, I have an Aerostar too. It came from the factory with a 2300 4 cyl and a 5 speed. Driving it was like rowing a boat until the 5 speed broke. I scrapped the 5 speed and I sold the engine to a guy for his '87 Mustang.
I'm just in the research part of this right now however I have a 1999 Ranger 3.0/Auto that will eventually be available. My research so far is that the transmission mount for the Aerostar and the Ranger are the same. Also the oil pan is too. This tells me this should be an easy swap. Maybe as simple as buying 1997 Aerostar motor pads/mounts. As long as the metal bracket bolted directly to the block is the same. Maybe someone knows. I have a question for @Josh P , I know yours is a 4.0 powered Aerostar however does yours have a column shift steering column? My old '87 had a Ranger looking floor shifter for the manual transmission. Thanks for any info or direction.

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Some aerostars were equipped with the 3.0 , however I caution you should have the heads worked and have hardened valve seats installed. Ours got 26 mpg with that engine. I think it must have had an a4ld transmission.

86-91 aerostars were floor shifters, 92-97 had the column shifter and a cup holder filled the hole in the floor when the shifter was moved to the column. Going from a 2.3 na to a 3.0 is almost a lateral upgrade. Motor mounts are not an issue, the aerostar transmission is 3 inches longer than the ranger. The mount is identical and the ranger trans will physically work in the aerostar. A Lincoln mark 8 driveshaft is the perfect length if you are looking for something cheap.

If you go junk yard hunting, the brake pedal can be swapped easily to an auto style. Pull the clip slide the rod out, remove the pedals and ship those to me. The auto pedal will slide in their place, no need to remove the bracket from the firewall. Also get the jumper plug from an auto since the clutch pedal position sensor will no longer exist. What axle does your van have and what ratio? Some were cursed with a Dana 30.

@Josh P Just now seeing this. You reminded me of all of the things on the list from manual to auto or vice versa. I would like to find a mid 90s parts truck and it would make the swap a lot smoother. My wheelbase is the short, short version and the gear is high. Later I will get an axle code. The van is currently a storage shed on my home property.
@Turdle Should I do the cylinder head repair/upgrade as a preventive measure? a friend of mine has had a burned seat in a valve on his 3.0 for years. He had someone use there scan tool and turn off that injector or they unplugged the corresponding injector to stop the fuel flow. He has been driving a 5 cylinder now for 4 years. Every time I hear it, it sounds the same. rough on 5 but reliable, lol.

You sure we can't talk you into a 302 swap for the van?

I mean, why not. It's your money.

The 3.0 heads are just going to sink a valve unless you get on top of it. I'd be peeefed if I just swapped in a 5 out of 6

The availability of varying quality heads on ebay tell the story. I feel Lots of choices means lot o problems

@Josh P It would be cool to have a 5.0 powered van however with the MM 5.0 project that the drivetrain will end up in the 1999 Ranger and that 3.0/auto being available is the inspiration for the 3.0 in to the 1987 Aerostar.

The Data tag shows 23 as the axle


ADDED: 4-06-24
1987aerostar axle codes.JPG

The windows are interesting, looks like it was made as a utility van. The 3.0 and transmission might sell for enough to get a 5.0 for it.

how difficult is it to swap a 92 up collumn into a 91?and can i retain the cruise control?i need better cup holders and the shifters in the way.[or the parking brake is in the way].

how difficult is it to swap a 92 up collumn into a 91?and can i retain the cruise control?i need better cup holders and the shifters in the way.[or the parking brake is in the way].
Column is a pair of bolts, I've never compared the wiring connectors that attach to the underside of the column. You have a manual now?

This past Sunday I looked under the hood of mine and I put a box of Explorer stuff on the seat but I didn't pay any attention to the column in mine. I was looking for yellow jacket/wasps nests. I found one at the rear of the slider door and sprayed it.

This past Sunday I looked under the hood of mine and I put a box of Explorer stuff on the seat but I didn't pay any attention to the column in mine. I was looking for yellow jacket/wasps nests. I found one at the rear of the slider door and sprayed it.
How long has it been parked? The body looks to be in great shape, it just needs a bath.

Not too long. A few years anyway. I moved it home on the way from my shop after stopping at a friends shop that bought the 4 cylinder 2300 from me. My cat did get in there occasionally while he was still around. I need to put the engine cover back on so raccoons don't get in there and trash the captains chairs and folding back seat. It has a full aftermarket interior that was installed when the aftermarket windows were installed. It was a company called Action Vans Inc that did the conversion to it.
Added: It's a solid, southern salt free vehicle. It was originally parked when the 5 speed broke and then my friend wanted to buy the '87 engine that had come out of a Mustang to replace the one that had burnout between #2 and #3 cylinder. It ran terrible when I first got it.

Do you still have the plastic trim that's not on the front of the van?

@Josh P If you mean the front bumper it just crumbled away over time. The back one is doing the same thing.

2.3l turbo?

I hate to see the 3.0 go into anything but the recycler! I fear you will put time and $$$$ into 3.0 swap just to have the 3.0 take a dump

2.3l turbo?

I hate to see the 3.0 go into anything but the recycler! I fear you will put time and $$$$ into 3.0 swap just to have the 3.0 take a dump
The 2.0 or 2.3 ecoboost would be cool with a 6 speed auto. 5.0 is the easiest V8 to fit, some have done a 5.8 or mopar 5.2/5.9. Even the LS has made its way into an aerostar

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2.3 turbo svo (electric 5.0) not Ecoboost! The 2.3t was around in 87 and with a 2.3 being the original engine the svo swap would be wicked cool
