1993 ford probe GT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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1993 ford probe GT


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May 11, 2008
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I been looking to get another car i don't got a lot of cash so i looking to trade my 68 vw bug it's worth about $500-$600 b/c thats what i got in it. the prope runs drives good the only problem is that the driver door and part of the fender is blue the rest of the car is red and the door panes are missing. hear are some pics. SO my question is the 93 ford probe gt a good car for a dd anything really bad with them more so the 93 year?







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My buddy had one for about 2 years as a daily driver, the inside was in complete chaos, ripped seats, missing rear seat, about 4 different dash colors. But it ran like a champ, he put a small flowmaster exhaust on it and it sounded MEAN. I'd drive one if I could. The only problems he had was a distributor that went bad, and then somehow a cracked block. Instead of fixing it he just parked it and bought a truck. He wishes he had kept it running though

Depends on how a used car was treated. Check out Probetalk.com for answers to reliability and maint. questions. My previous 1990 and current 1997 models have both served me well. They handle awesome, you will like the power of the v6. I stay with the 4 cyl's, it's got enough pep. There's even a Ford Probe Car Club in Georgia.

I do like probes mo after i been reading up on them. 0-60 in 7.5 1/4 mile of 15.8 and small and kinda good on gas. Kinda like my honda prelude but i think i have to pass on this one but i do think when i get some money i will get me one :)

That thing has more dirt on/in it than my unwashed since april of '05 20+ wheelin' trips explorer. :confused: :D

I don't remember hearing any problems with the '93s. :dunno:
that makes me think that it hasn't been ruing for to long. have you heard any problem with them in general?

You'll enjoy your new Probe until its time to replace the timing belt, then you will create many new phrases with old words. They start out with: selling, lawn ornament, scrap iron, junk pile and get progressively worse from there. :D

Timing belt on those is a RPITA!!

Any part for them is dang near impossible to find... It's all from Mazda, and it all costs a small fortune.... Rack and pinion? Try $700!! Oh, and you have to drop the entire front sub-frame (all 16 bolts) to get it out... NOT fun!!

0-60 in 7.5, 1/4 in 15.8 sounds impressive... right up until you realize that a 98 Explorer Sport will do the same thing in 7.9 and 16.2 respectively... That's a pretty slim margin.

Mileage-wise, the V-6 I had never got more than 20 mpg... I can squeeze 22 out of my Ex.... and I can clear a parking block.

On the plus side, IMHO, the 93 had the most comfortable seats in any vehicle I've ever owned... I could sleep in them all day!!

loved my 93 4 cycle auto only got rid of it because it was auot and got tired of meeting semi's on my side of the road...
he needs to go down on price maybe a grand even..if your trading I was say even or only about a 200 to boot...I would take the vw over the probe, milage and more part for the vw

For a grand, I would expect it to be in good running condition, mechanically-speaking. Any more than that and the body and interior would have to be in much better condition that it appears to be...
