2.2 mpg increase | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2.2 mpg increase


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April 28, 2000
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Amazing but true, just finished tank of gas and calculated about 2.2 mpg increase just by changing thermostat to 195 degree. Took about 50 minutes. Wow, Im up to 16.7 mpg average now - woohoo! If she will promise me 18 mpg on a long freeway trip, I will wax her. Anyone else have real-world mpg numbers after changing thermostat?

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Hey, thats great!

Im about to perform this 'task' in the upcoming weeks. Care to elaborate on how you changed it out, problems, tips, tricks (w/belt on or off), etc? Thanks!

I followed advice given here and dr bob.

Need 1/4 inch drive, 10mm socket, universal (elbow), 2-3 inch extension, and another 4+ inch extension. (I had a 3/8inch drive ratchet with 3/8 to 1/4 adapter so I could have more turning strength) But you need a 1/4 inch 10mm to get in tight.

I took off air duct. Drained enough fluid out of radiator (not all). Then took out the lower bolt on the belt tensioner, loosened the top bolt on the tensioner. This allowed it to move about 1/4 inch to gain access to the hidden 3rd bolt to the thermostat. Then - 10mm socket to 2" extension to universal to extension to ratchet. I also had 10mm open end wrench to assist. Did not have to remove radiator hose from neck. Used same rubber o-ring on new thermostat and replaced and tightened.

Good luck, and dont over-torque bolts. I tightened to my best guess knowing the rubber o-ring makes a good seal.

Thanks! Great tips.

I thought about changing thermostats with winter coming up. I have the low temp one in it right now. I'm getting 18mpg driving around town, and 22mpg on the highway. I have the 3.73 rear end and stock 235/75 tires. Wonder if changing it would get me the same increase? I'm affraid to mess with it because I don't want to lose the mileage.

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I replaced mine last week but I haven't filled up yet so I don't know any gas mileage gains if any. I didn't reset the computer, should I?

The factory recommended thermostat is a 195. I can tell you that by using anything less than that temp will do more damage than good. The Explorer uses a computer controlled...well, almost everything. By using anything less than a 195, the computer will do everything it can to try and warm the engine up. It will not run efficiently and will burn excess fuel by thinking it has not reached the normal running temp.

The only exception to this is the Jet thermostat, but the Jet computer chip has to be used also for it to be effective. I have heard of several people installing the Jet t-stat and have not been happy, but without the chip, the set-up will not work correctly.

No wonder why my gas mileage has dropped lately. I guess I need to get my thermostat changed. My engine runs pretty cold all the time. Where did you get your thermostat at?? Should I avoid getting it from the dealer?? Thanks.

Originally posted by '96explorereddiebauer
No wonder why my gas mileage has dropped lately. I guess I need to get my thermostat changed. My engine runs pretty cold all the time. Where did you get your thermostat at?? Should I avoid getting it from the dealer?? Thanks.

I got mine at Track Auto for about $10.00 together w/ the rubber gasket. I was going to get the 180 degree t/stat but with winter coming, I also wanted a quicker warm-up time so I bought the recommended 195 degree t/stat.


I got mine at NAPA for about $6 including the gasket. I changed the belt and the anti-freeze at the same time. While I had the air tube off, I noticed the inside of my throttle body and manifold were all gunked up from trying to run richer to warm up the cold engine. Right after I changed it, I took a long trip and got 22 mpg. Back and forth to work (12 miles) is around 18 mpg. I just changed the plugs and wires, so it could get better.

BTW, the 2 wires coming out of the sensor, one goes to the Computer and one goes to the gauge. That's why in my Sploder, after changing the Tstat, I also picked up 2-3mpg.

Also, a NAPA brand, 195,
I get 26.3 mpg on non-stop HiWay driving (true)
21.4 city

look at my mods below.

Thats excellent!

Well, I just filled up and I didn't see an increase in gas mileage. I got 15.78MPG mostly city with a 80 mile highway drive. I'll be reseting the computer this time. Damn it, I want my 2.2 MPG increase!


I've been thinking of changing my plugs out for a while. I currently get 20/27 mpg. My truck is very low mileage (38000), so I don't know if plugs and wires would help out right now. From what I can see, that's the only thing that you have and I don't (unless your tires make a difference) that could help mpg. So, do you think that's it, or do you have a really easy right foot?

Originally posted by Alec

I've been thinking of changing my plugs out for a while. I currently get 20/27 mpg. My truck is very low mileage (38000), so I don't know if plugs and wires would help out right now. From what I can see, that's the only thing that you have and I don't (unless your tires make a difference) that could help mpg. So, do you think that's it, or do you have a really easy right foot?

My truck also has low mileage (just turned 45000). But back in May when my parents bought this for me, it had 34k on it. So I do quite a lot of driving (sucks that my girlfriend lives like 2 hours away (Durham)). So I'm gonna get some new plugs and a new stat whenever I get some money (never). LOL. Thanks for all of your help!!

I will say this, I was amazed myself on the stats. I run stock size tires (Coops). This was data B4 the Surco rack Which would certainly lower it (I would like to get a 'Thule type' spoiler for the front of it though). But the offset to that is that that data was also B4 I short-belted the AC when it went out, and still not fixed, VERY BIG $$. Actually the biggest improvement, believe it or not, was the Tstat replacement, which was recognized immediately. The cooling/AC system is a MAJOR weak spot in the FORD line (also my Ranger). The computers are very sensitive to conditions, that is why even the Haynes say the first step in most of any maintenance is 1) Disconnect the Negative cable from your battery...even for Tstat replace!
I have gotten to the point that I do it even for oil changes, but I clean the K&N, and spray off the MAS at that time too.
Just careful maint, I guess.
Oh Yeah, using Cruise does help, even in those 45mph zones.
But since the Borla, I can't help but getting on it every once in a while to hear that mother sing!


Important consideration: Some of you with option/towing packages may have the "Super Engine Cooling" option...hence differences in coolings systems and differences in performance/mpg/gains from thermostats among other things.

Super engine cooling? Praytell, what is that? I take it it was not available on 91-94 Explorers?

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