2001 Sport, Torque Converter stuck to flywheel | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 Sport, Torque Converter stuck to flywheel


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2001
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AB, Canada
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01 blazer lt
I bought a donor truck for its transmission and other parts. The motor is seized.

We dropped the trans today and the torque converter appears to not want to seperate from the flywheel... I already cracked off the tip of one screwdriver lol...

I thought those would come out with the trans...

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I assume you removed the bolts?

Is it that obvious this is the first auto trans I ever removed? lol

How do I get at these bolts? Remember, anything engine-wise can'y move. She's locked solid.

pull trans without torque converter

Since you can't rotate the crankshaft because the engine is seized then you won't have access thru the starter motor opening to the 4 nuts that attach the flexplate to the torque converter. You will have to separate the transmission from the engine leaving the torque converter attached to the flexplate. Once the transmission is removed you can access the torque converter nuts.

Since you can't rotate the crankshaft because the engine is seized then you won't have access thru the starter motor opening to the 4 nuts that attach the flexplate to the torque converter. You will have to separate the transmission from the engine leaving the torque converter attached to the flexplate. Once the transmission is removed you can access the torque converter nuts.

The transmission is removed already. Where do I get at these nuts?

You may have to drop the crank to get that converter off of the flywheel if you cannot turn the engine. The converter has studs that protrude from it and go through holes in the flywheel. The nuts are on the engine side of the flywheel.

The Ranger Station has this nifty exploded pic... you can see the 4 studs on the converter


You may have to drop the crank to get that converter off of the flywheel if you cannot turn the engine. The converter has studs that protrude from it and go through holes in the flywheel. The nuts are on the engine side of the flywheel.

Sometimes (depends on the engine, flywheel, and vehicle) there is enough room to sneak in between the flywheel and the block, with an open end wrench. Loosen each nut a few turns, pull the converter out a little, then repeat until the converter is free. I know the 5.0 T-bird I pulled the trans out of, there was just enough room.

I probably just reuse the one that's in my 2000 since it appears to be working fine.

As long as there isn't any nasty crap in it from your old transmission blowing up you should be fine.
