2001 XLT D44-SAS | Page 13 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2001 XLT D44-SAS

Ok, I'm going to start this thread since I'm hoping to be done with this by the end of September.



Ok, those were the pretty pics...then I cracked the cover off the pumpkin-







The thing had a ton of water inside...no gear oil came out, only water...

Now the questions for all you axle Gurus...

I can rebuild this no problem right?

Are the axle tubes sealed from the pumpkin, or did the water travel down the tubes?

I'd appreciate any opinions on this cause when the water came pouring out I got disgusted and put the cover back on...I'll have at it again tomorrow and start stripping it down.

From what can be seen- any ideas on what would have to be changed right off the bat?

Or am I looking at a total rebuild?

I want to swap out the knuckles and spindles for 5-on-5.5, they're hard to get here...any body know anyplace in Jersey or PA that I could contact and secure some F150 knuckles and spindles?

Opinions would be greatly appreciated!!

Particularly since I'm hoping to pick up the springs this weekend. :D

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The leafs I have in the front were used on an X SAS and without the added leafs didn't do too well with the 6 cylinder.

Besides the added height will let me get more meat under there. :D

I might even make it up there to you 38" guys. ;)

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Do you know what kind of leaf packs u got?
the ones i used were from superlift and they only have 6 leaves.
but since u have a v8 you could problably use the extra leaf cause of the added weight of the engine. even with the six leafs i got the back still looks a little higher than the front.
oh yeah keep up the good work. cant wait to see some more pics.

fury said:
Do you know what kind of leaf packs u got?
the ones i used were from superlift and they only have 6 leaves.
but since u have a v8 you could problably use the extra leaf cause of the added weight of the engine. even with the six leafs i got the back still looks a little higher than the front.
oh yeah keep up the good work. cant wait to see some more pics.

They're 4" Rubicon Express YJ Lift Springs with 2 added leafs.

I would consider removing one AAL on the front to see how that goes. Esp, after you install your bumper. With those two factors in the equation, I think your shackle will come out ok. Your front spring hanger is low, but due to your buggy spring mount, you're not going to want to change it. As it sits, your caster will be fine and/or fixable. Any more change in where the axle sits, and you'll end up with problems.
Get a good adjustable shock for up front. The RE springs are awesome, the flex and ride are great but will need to be controlled. A sway bar is a good idea too.
Looking good so far, keep up the good work!

NOTAJP said:
I would consider removing one AAL on the front to see how that goes. Esp, after you install your bumper. With those two factors in the equation, I think your shackle will come out ok. Your front spring hanger is low, but due to your buggy spring mount, you're not going to want to change it. As it sits, your caster will be fine and/or fixable. Any more change in where the axle sits, and you'll end up with problems.
Get a good adjustable shock for up front. The RE springs are awesome, the flex and ride are great but will need to be controlled. A sway bar is a good idea too.
Looking good so far, keep up the good work!


I was planning on Rancho's all around and I was figuring for dual shocks also. I just got the 220 welder going today- I gotta figure out how to use it...I can get good welds out of the 115 welder, but it's not enough for the 3/8 plate. I can't seem to get the right flow out of the 220, but I'm working on it. First coupla welds will be some nasty looking overkill, I suppose I'll get use to it though.

looks dumb hight i'd say definatly take out the body lift.
causes it gay and not needed in this situation. at all
don't worry your truck gonna be much higher then any expedition on the road.

Lefy said:
looks dumb hight i'd say definatly take out the body lift.
causes it gay and not needed in this situation. at all
don't worry your truck gonna be much higher then any expedition on the road.

Don't hold back, tell him how you really feel. haha

dam i really sounded like an a$$hole sorry man diden't mean to come of like that.

I meant to say
the truck look really high with even those tires on. i'd suggest taking out the body lift, (cause body lifts in general are gay and hokey cause there not actual lifts)

Lefy said:
cause body lifts in general are gay and hokey cause there not actual lifts)

Don't you have a body lift?

yes but thats cause that was the only way i was gonna fit 33s cause no one makes a decent lift for our trucks

Lefy said:
dam i really sounded like an a$$hole sorry man diden't mean to come of like that.

LOL It's cool man, it was kind of funny to read though!

This is going to be a beast. IMO i'd take out the BL too. Just for the fact of a little bit lower COG. You're going to be able to fit monsters in there anyways, but it's ultimatly up to you. Well i guess it depends on if you'll be taking it off road very much. With 38's you'll be ridin very high anyways. But this this is going to be awesome! How much longer do you think you have left?

JoshC said:
LOL It's cool man, it was kind of funny to read though!

This is going to be a beast. IMO i'd take out the BL too. Just for the fact of a little bit lower COG. You're going to be able to fit monsters in there anyways, but it's ultimatly up to you. Well i guess it depends on if you'll be taking it off road very much. With 38's you'll be ridin very high anyways. But this this is going to be awesome! How much longer do you think you have left?

Things are a little up in the air, I just got back from Portland and I'll have to go back on a moments notice. My niece is losing her battle with Leukemia and they aren't giving her long.

I have a feeling the rest of the buildup may be slow going, but I may get lucky...sometimes I just get on a roll.

The Body Lift is staying for now, both bumpers are designed for the X with the Body Lift. I could probably manage the front bumper without the BL by modifying the mounting setup (which I'm doing anyway, JIC), but the rear would have to be remade.

When I mount the front I'm going to try and set it up so there'll be as little grief as possible if I take out the BL, but the back is a different story, there's no way to accomodate removing the BL without cutting up the bumper.

Here's some shots of the frame rail extension for the bumper mounts...

No laughing at my welds! :eek:




I lined the bumper up perfectly once I got the face plates welded on and punched through with the stick to start the holes, I made sure I burned the bumper when I punched through so I can just go right at it to make the new holes.

And- the last is a perspective shot- I'm 5'7" without shoes and it's still got the 31x10.50s on it...plus I didn't bring the rear up level yet- I'm trying to decide whether blocks are safe enough or I may just pull the rear leafs and have the shop re-arch them and beef them up with a leaf or two to get it level.


Holy ****, thats HUGE!

holy crap!!!!!!! thats a beast!! what size tires are you gunna run????/ 44s?

cdsl227 said:
I'm trying to decide whether blocks are safe enough or I may just pull the rear leafs and have the shop re-arch them and beef them up with a leaf or two to get it level.

a couple of inches in blocks can't be that unsafe, dodge used to put them on from the factory.

Great job!!
What size tires are you going to run??

no offense... but are you sure those welds have enough penetration in the last few pics? they look kinda sketchy from the pics. just make sure its all safe!

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I am with Jason. It looks like you need to turn up your buzz box. I would be scared to drive that until you ran a solid bead over those.
