2003 Chevrolet S-10 won't start. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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2003 Chevrolet S-10 won't start.

Blacksheep Josh

July 31, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Statesboro, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Ford Ranger, RIP 93 X
As stated, my friend's 2003 s-10 won't start. We've changed out spark plugs and wires on a hunch that they've never been done before. But it still didn't start.

This is what I've tested:
-Fuel Pump Relay, It's clicking and everything, and I've even tried it with a fuel different ones.
-I've tried pulling codes, but none are being thrown (weird)

It's turning over and wanting to start, but I'm thinking it's not getting any fuel. Which is leading me to think it's the fuel pump that's gone out. I can't even here it prime up when the key it turned over.

We're going to change the fuel filter first tomorrow, in hopes maybe it's just so clogged it's preventing fuel from going through... Any other ideas?

Any other ideas

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Thats the same problem we had on my Grandpa's 2000 blazer, we finally got it running again after changing out the fuel filter, plugs, wires, and rotor and cap, and all this after the fuel pump has been replaced 3 times.

Damn... I didn't want to hear that. He told me he has the money to have it fixed properly, so I'm not worried to much anymore, lol. Could be worse.

One of my co-workers was having problems with her Jimmy of that era. Same issues.

Another co-worker mentioned the fuel pump was pry the problem. He said that as long as she kept her fuel level over half, she might be okay. Once she did that, her problems were pretty much gone.

I dunno if the Jimmy/Blazer are the same deal as S-10/Sonoma...

i had a 1999 jimmy with 4.3 and i was having same problem if when you turn the key and the pump makes no noise in tank the best bet is the pump is out i had same problem with jimmy and explorer to.

Well the tank is full, and it was intermittent at first he said. He said about every 4-5 times it'd start, but the idle would be funky. But now it's not doing anything but just cranking and all.

Send a PM to Spas, she know alot about Chevy Blazers & S-10s

Blee1099 is a liar! Don't believe anything he says!!! He lied to me!

...Thats a pretty bold and brash statement...:scratch:

...Blee is known to be a prankster...;)

Those vehicles are known for fuel pump problems. I know of several people that have had to replace the pump more than once.

Ben a practical joker???? Noooooooooooooooo, Reeeeeaaallllllyyy? Wouldn't have guessed it........


...I'm just waiting to hear how the conversation went between Josh and Spa's and if Spa's made any reference to killing Ben.....:D

No there weren't any death threats... well at least in the message there weren't.

Yeah, I had an 82 S-10 before my Explorer, and the fuel pump went out on ramp coming off the interstate. Thank goodness I had enough inertia to get up the hump and push it down the hill!

But my friend Chris is calling around town to see where he can have it installed. If it was my own truck I'd be willing to spend the time and effort to get it, because if something messed up it'd be on me, but I don't feel comfortable doing it on a vehicle I know almost nothing about...

Check the fuel pressure on the rail. Also check voltage for the fuel pump relay connector, should be behind the glove box. I have a haynes manual and can scan some copies of the fuel system if needed.

The fuel pump relay is in the fuse box under the hood on the driver side. It's getting power, I've even tried it out with a few different relays.

I can't do anything anymroe on it, I went home over the weekend to help him with it but couldn't figure it out.

As for fuel pressure, I wish I had the tool to do that, but we couldn't even here the fuel pump priming at all, and I got underneath the tank and put my ear against it, nothing.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll relay them to Chris

Chances if you can't hear the pump run it is bad and has failed. I have had luck of hitting the tank with a big plastic/rubber dead blow hammer and getting the pump to run. Some times the jarring of the hammer whack will free the pump. This will tell you for sure if the pump is bad. But like I said if you can't hear the pump run chances are it has failed, GM fuel pumps seem to be very loud while they are running. Again the hammer trick might work and the fuel pump might run a few times like that, but it would be a good idea to have it changed out.

